Rat Colouring Page
Here's a rat colouring page to print and colour - perhaps for those with a pet rat, or for Chinese New Year!
If you need a rat colouring page, you need look no further! We've got rat colouring pages for all ages, from a simple, large cartoon rat with bold outlines to a "vintage" style rat with flag.
Here's a rat colouring page to print and colour - perhaps for those with a pet rat, or for Chinese New Year!
Here's a cheeky rat colouring page in simple cartoon style for younger kids to colour in.
Available in colour or black and white. Print this cheeky rat mask for plays of the Chinese Zodiac story, perhaps? He's not at all scary!
Kids can colour in this fun picture of a rat (or mouse) by solving the simple sums to work out the correct colour for each space. A fun way to practise maths!
Here's a cute little rat to colour in, holding a sign which you can use to add your own wording - whatever it may be!
This rat tracing page is a fun way to work on pencil control. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines, perhaps with a crayon or marker. Older kids can trace over all the dotted lines for a more challenging task. You could also laminate the page and re-use it using a dry wipe pen.
This simple colouring page features a rat waving a flag - perhaps you could add a special message for a child born in the Year of the Rat?
I never thought that I would think rats were cute - until I saw these little fellows! Don't you just want to tickle that tummy? I think they will be fun for the kids to colour in...
We have three fun rat crafts here:
Rat Crafts
Just for Chinese New Year...
Year of the Rat Colouring Pages