Compare and Contrast Presidents
Use this worksheet (available blank or lined) to compare and contrast these two great presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, on Presidents Day.
Celebrate Presidents' Day (also known as Washington's Birthday) with our colouring pages of famous presidents, printables and other activities for kids.
Presidents' Day is a national holiday in the United States and is also officially known as Washington's Birthday. It is celebrated on the third Monday of February, which next falls on 19th February 2024. Although the celebration is in honour of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, you can use it as an excuse to find out more about any of the US presidents, try your hand at some patriotic crafts, or learn about American history.
George Washington
A collection of George Washington (1789-1797) printable (including a fun printable mask) worksheets and colouring pages.
Abraham Lincoln
All sorts of interesting printable activities (including a fabulous mask, complete with top hat) and something to learn about Abraham Lincoln, too.
US Presidents Printables
We have printables and colouring pages for all the other US presidents, too.
Learn to Draw US Presidents
Just for fun, learn to draw George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and some of the most recent US Presidents too!
Use this worksheet (available blank or lined) to compare and contrast these two great presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, on Presidents Day.
Use this fun illustrated Venn diagram printable to compare and contrast George Washington and Abraham Lincoln - a useful worksheet to have to hand for Presidents Day.
A committee to design the Great Seal of the USA was set up on July 4th 1776, the day America declared its independence. Make sure you use the right colours on our Great Seal of the US Colouring Page, it would make a perfect project cover.
There is space on this "If I were President" worksheet for the kids to write a little about what they would do and to draw a picture. We designed it for Presidents Day but it might be useful at other times too, and not just for the United States, of course.
This worksheet for Presidents Day provides three spaces for children to write down what they would do if they were President. If I were President, I would...
The Liberty Bell is a symbol of US independence. Here is a printable colouring page so you can colour the bell for Fourth of July or a US history project.
Mount Rushmore in South Dakota features the heads of 4 US Presidents; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln carved into the side. Colour our Mount Rushmore colouring page for President's Day or as part of a study on US History.
Print, colour and write using this story paper and colouring page of Mount Rushmore. Use the printable for history projects, learning and writing facts about the carvings, or even for imaginative story telling.
Encourage children to think about the responsibilities and skills needed to be President of the USA and write a job description for the post.
Learn the Presidents of the USA in order with our fun Around the World cards. Ideas on how to play can be found here.
These cards have been updated in 2025 to include President Donald Trump's second term in office.
Find out what children (and adults) know about the presidents of the USA with this fun quiz. It could also be used as a research prompt.
This word search contains the 39 unique surnames of the Presidents of the USA from George Washington to Donald Trump. Words can go in any direction; forwards, backwards, up, down and diagonal.
Everybody recognises The White House, the Washington home of the President of the United States! Use this colouring page and story paper printable to write some facts about The White House, about the President, or perhaps tomake up a story.
US Crafts
If you need a flag to wave this Presidents' Day, why not make your own? We have lots of patriotic craft ideas to inspire.
US History Crafts
Alternatively, have a go at some more "historical" crafts, such as our Liberty Bell and Statue of Liberty craft ideas.
US Flag Printables
We've also got printable flags in various sizes, jigsaw, notebooking pages, colouring page and more featuring the Stars and Stripes.
US Colouring Pages
We have a range of US landmarks colouring pages, many featuring sites of historical significance.
Uncle Sam
Enjoy our printable activities and fun Uncle Sam craft ideas, too.