Here's a simple potato print Eid card that even the youngest children can make - but it is sure to appreciated! Once you have cut the potato prints, why not make a stack of cards and some of our potato print Eid bunting, too!
Here's our finished Eid card - sure to cheer up absent friends and family!
You will need:
Coloured card
A sharp knife (pr star and circle biscuit cutters)
Gold paint
Gold pen
Fold the card in half to make a greetings card.
Cut the potato in half. If you have the biscuit cutters use them to make the shape of a star in one side of the potato and a crescent in the other. Using the knife carefully remove the surrounding potato. If you don't have cutters simply cut the shapes using the knife.
Put some gold paint int a saucer. Stamp on to the card a crescent and star. Leave to dry.
Write on the words "Eid Mubarak".