Count the pirate pictures and write the correct number in the box. This counting worksheet is one of three we have with a pirate theme. Pirate counting 2 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsPiratesPirate WorksheetsPirate Maths Worksheets
Ordinal Numbers Gap Worksheet 4 This pirate-themed worksheet makes learning and revising ordinal numbers fun! Ahoy there me hearties - let's count the pictures from 1st to 20th!
Treasure Map Grid Reference Worksheet Here's a fun but challenging worksheet for older kids, to help them practise map reading skills. There's a lovely treasure map on the worksheet, and they need to use the map grid references to answer the questions.
Pirate Pattern Tiles Use our pirate pattern tiles with our pirate pattern worksheet 1 and pirate pattern worksheet 2, or use them to make your own patterns.