Fill in your child's name on this room sign - or better yet, ask your child or an older sibling to do so. Pink kitten room sign - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePrintablesRoom DecorationsTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZCatsCat PrintablesPet AnimalsPet Animal PrintablesPet Animal Room DecorationsColourPink
Pink Kitten Door Hanger Is your child sleeping or playing? Use our pretty pink kitten door hanger to let people know!
Cat Mobile Here's the perfect mobile for children who love cats! Print out this 4-page pdf file. Cut out the shapes carefully, then match them up in pairs and glue them together back to back, sandwiching a length of fishing line or thread between them.
Cat Playdough Mat 2 This poor kitty is thirsty! Can the children make her a bowl of milk using playdough?