Palindrome Day


All NEW! 22nd February 2022 is Palindrome Day - or Twosday - in the UK and other parts of the world that write the date in the same format, and that means it is a great excuse to have some fun with the dates involved, learn about other palindrome days this century, and perhaps spend some time learning about palindromes too!

Happy Palindrome Day Activities for Kids

What is Palindrome Day?

A palindrome day or palindrome date is any date that can be written in numbers that read the same either backwards or forwards. Here are some examples:

  • 22.02.2022
  • 26.02.2062
  • 29.02.2092

Different Date Formats Make a Difference!

In the UK and many other parts of the world, dates are written day-month-year.

In America, dates are written month-day-year.

That means that palindrome days are different in the UK and US!

Fun Fact: Can you believe that the next time the UK and the US share a palindrome date it will be 3rd March 3030? That will be written 03.03.3030 in the UK, and 03.03.3030 in the US too!

What Will You Do for Palindrome Day?

Our Palindrome Day / Twosday Activities

Happy Palindrome Day Poster

Happy Palindrome Day Poster

It's not every day that's a palindrome day! 22nd February 2022 is therefore rather special. In fact we are told there will only be 29 "palindrome days" this century, so let's make the most of this one!

Happy Twosday Poster UK

Happy Twosday Poster UK

22nd February 2022 is a very special day. Not only is it all the 2s - but it's a palindrome day too! There are only going to be 29 palindrome days this century, so it's quite special - and lots of kids love to notice number patterns like this one.

Happy Twosday Poster US

Happy Twosday Poster US

22nd February 2022 is Twosday with all the 2s! Here's a colourful poster to celebrate the occasion!

Palindrome Day Sorting Cards

Palindrome Day Sorting Cards

These sorting cards are designed to be used with Palindrome Day 22nd February 2022 - or Twosday! Print and cut out, shuffle, then put back in the right order. We've included both slashes and dots so you can choose what form of divider you want to use.

Palindrome Days Worksheet

Palindrome Days Worksheet

We've got 3 levels of this worksheet to tackle - prompted, unprompted and extended - so you can use it with a wide age range. From 22nd February 2022 (Happy Twosday!) there will be another 19 palindome days this century. We ask you to find out - or work out - what they are.

More Palindrome Fun

Learning About Palindromes
Learning About Palindromes

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