Number Bonds
Getting really proficient with number bonds is hugely important. It will give children confidence and speed when tackling simple addition and subtraction, and the knock-on effect as they progress to harder tasks is significant. We've got many ideas for turning the learning process into fun - as well as the resources to back them up - below.
Teaching Number Bonds
We have a good section of ideas, hands on activities and printable resources for teaching number bonds up to 10, which you can explore here.
More Number Bond Resources
Choose from a useful collection of number bond printables and number bond worksheets here below.
Early Number Bond Fun Ideas!
Shelly shares ideas and photos of her children learning number bonds in creative ways.
Creative Ideas for Learning Number Bonds
A number bond revision activity - using our printable ice cream scoops!
Ice Cream Maths
Christmas stocking number bonds!
Christmas Stocking Maths Ideas
More Useful Resources
You might find our printable Counting Cubes and Ten Frames and Ten Towers useful when practising number bonds.
More Maths Topics
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division...