Newspaper Writing Prompts


Learning to write in different genres and for different purposes is an important skill. We have a range of templates to encourage children to write a newspaper article; take inspiration from real historical events, extreme weather events or even the child's family.

When writing an article encourage child to look at examples and think about;

  • The layout - can they make up a headline to summarise their story and grab attention?
  • The audience - who are they writing for?
  • The style - can they tell their story with quotes and facts?
  • The language - what sort of language will they need to use?

Explore Our Newpaper Writing Prompts

These historical event newspaper writing prompts are perfect for cross curricula activities....

Our famous people newspaper writing prompts are a fun way for children to display their...

These newspaper writing prompt worksheets make an interesting learning activity / creative...

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Here's something a bit different! We've designed these family newspaper writing prompts...

Children can use these fun newspaper writing prompt printables to extend their writing skills....

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