More St George's Day Puzzles


Here are a few more puzzles for your St George's Day activities in the classroom or home - including a couple of mazes and a crossword or two!

England Alphabet Challenge

England Alphabet Challenge

Here's a real challenge! Can you think of a word beginning with each of the letters of the alphabet, all the way through from A to Z, with England as their theme?

English Landmarks Crossword

English Landmarks Crossword

Here's a crossword for older children to attempt with the clues based on a number of well-known English landmarks.

St George's Day Beginning Sounds Code Letter

St George's Day Beginning Sounds Code Letter

Here's a fun activity that will help children work on their beginning sounds for St George's Day. It works well as a simple "code" activity too, for older children. Write the beginning sound of each picture to work out what the King of Silene said to George...

St George's Day Maze 1

St George's Day Maze 1

Here's a simple maze for younger children. Which path should Saint George take if he wants to fight the dragon?

St George's Day Maze 2

St George's Day Maze 2

Here's a tricky maze for older children to attempt. Can they find the path through the maze to the other side, so that Saint George can fight his dragon?

St Georges Day Letter Elimination Grid

St Georges Day Letter Elimination Grid

Here's an elimination grid puzzle with a St George's day theme. Answer the questions and cross off the letters from the answer in the grid, using each letter only once. Keep going until every letter is eliminated! 

St Georges Day Squashed Sentences Puzzle

St Georges Day Squashed Sentences Puzzle

Puzzle fans will love these squashed sentences puzzles, and they are certainly quite a challenge! Can you draw a path from one letter to the next to complete a St George's Day themed sentence?

More St George's Day Fun

St George's Day Boggler Puzzles
St George's Day Boggler Puzzles

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