Alphabetical Order - 10 Classroom Words
Here's a list of ten classroom words to try and put in alphabetical order. They can be printed, cut out and used with our alphabetical order base. This is a great back to school activity!
Here's a fun - and varied - collection of school themed worksheets to introduce into the classroom or home. We've got all sorts here, from counting and ordinal numbers, to alphabetical order. Explore below...
Here's a list of ten classroom words to try and put in alphabetical order. They can be printed, cut out and used with our alphabetical order base. This is a great back to school activity!
Our Back to School picture comprehension asks children to look at the picture and answer a variety of questions which test their observation, knowledge of colour, number etc.
Here's a fun picture comrehension based on a happy classroom scene. Children can study the picture and then answer the questions, which test them on a variety of skills and also ask them to have a go at some creative writing.
Practise counting skills from numbers 1-10 with this fun classroom counting scene puzzle - it's quite tricky! We've got UK and US versions available. Perfect for a back to school classroom activity.
Look back on the year just gone with your children and try to pick out a special memory or two, then narrow it down for the "best memory" for this printable activity. It's a great way to start your goal setting process for next year!
Here is a picture of children lined up in a school "crocodile", waiting in a queue. It's a great excuse to practice ordinal numbers! Follow the instructions below the picture.
Children will enjoy studying this lovely picture of children enjoying a session in the library - and then answering our interesting questions!
Sometimes kids just need a little inspiration to help start creative writing. Use our School's Out story starter to help them write a summer holiday adventure.
Our Teacher acrostic poem printables are a fun way to get your children thinking about what they like most about their teacher, and they make a fun gift for Teacher Appreciation Week or at the end of the year to say "thank you". We have four versions to suit all ages.
Why not encourage children to think about how they might be able to help out at school using this fun printable? Perhaps they could take on a role in the classroom, look out for a shy classmate, pick up rubbish in the playground, or hand out books ...
Two activities in one! First help the little boy find his way to school. Then describe his route, with as much detail as possible.
Children can get creative with newspaper writing prompt describing the world's best teacher, and drawing a picture, too. Use it for Teacher Appreciation, encouraging children to write about all the things they like about their own teacher.