Back to School Picture Card
This is a large printable card - print onto card or glossy paper and fold once. Perfect for younger children starting school for the first time.
We like to think that you can never have too many printables for school! We've got all sorts of printables here with a school theme, including printable cards, lacing cards for younger children, and more...
This is a large printable card - print onto card or glossy paper and fold once. Perfect for younger children starting school for the first time.
Print and cut out the different sizes of books, then ask the kids to sort them by size. Laminate the books if you want to reuse them again.
We've got lots of colourful pictures all to do with school to print and cut out, ready for the children to sort into big and small on the printable mats. Great as a back to school activity, but perfect for practising sorting skills all year round!
There's a welcoming school bus on this printable card, which can be used for any school occasion including "back to school". Print onto A4 paper - not card - and then fold twice.
This lovely yellow school bus makes a great lacing project for younger kids, fun to have in the classroom for a fine motor skill activity. Laminate for durability.
Beep Beep! Can the children sort the buses from biggest to smallest (and then from smallest to biggest)? You can laminate the buses to help them last longer...
Use this school frame in your scrapbook - there's useful space for journalling - or in the classroom. How about suggesting that older children write down what they would like to achieve in school this year?
Starting school for the first time is a huge step for young children. Our lovely school readiness booklet is perfect for parents and teachers to give to children to help them prepare and settle into their new school.
Here's a colourful size sorting worksheet that's perfect for the kids going back to school, but great fun anytime! Can the children number the pictures in each row according to size?
We use this chart to keep track of car shares, after-school clubs, when games bags and swimming bags and musical instruments need to be taken in, and which days we have friends round!