We have even more resources on the topic of quotations for you to download and print, from speech marks for a classroom display to lunch box notes to brighten up someone's day.
These 24 gorgeous little Christmas lunch box notes feature some of our favourite Christmas quotes and make the perfect little message to tuck into a home-made advent calendar, pop onto a breakfast plate or tuck under a pillow - as well as making a lunch box special, of course!
Print this quote bubble featuring the first line of Dr Martin Luther King's most famous speech. Use it as a poster or cut it out and add it to your MLK work or noticeboard.
We've compiled 24 of Dr Martin Luther King Jr's most memorable and meaningful quotes on this printable. They were originally intended to be cut out and used with our Hand Banner craft, but of course you might find other uses for them!
This simple printable poster shows four of Dr Martin Luther King's famous quotes.
I'm a huge fan of Roald Dahl and all his stories, and so are my kids, so I really had fun putting together these little "lunch box notes". Of course you can do much more with them than pop them into lunch boxes. How about framing them as a set of mini pictures?
A comprehensive collection of quotes about teachers - something for every occasion, we hope!