More Animal Worksheets


Here you will find a miscellaneous collection of animal worksheets for children of a range of ages, covering various activities... from sorting to symmetry!

100 Less Worksheet - Squirrels

100 Less Worksheet - Squirrels

Can the children match up the squirrels with an acorn that has a number 100 less? There are 6 to try on this worksheet.

About My Pet Worksheet

About My Pet Worksheet

Pets are a favourite topic for a lot of children, so they're bound to enjoy filling in this About My Pet worksheet. There are some simple questions to answer, and space to draw a picture of their pet too. 

African Animal Alphabetical Order 1

African Animal Alphabetical Order 1

This is the easier of two African animal alphabetical order worksheets, with 8 animals for the kids to put into the correct order - all starting with a different letter.

African Animals Number Line 0-10

African Animals Number Line 0-10

This African animals number line is such a fun way to cheer up tables and desks in the classroom. Just slice (and laminate if you wish) and get counting...

Alphabetical Order -10 Animal Words 1

Alphabetical Order -10 Animal Words 1

There are two lists of animals to put into alphabetical order on this worksheet - African and Australian. There are some really interesting animal names here, making this a slightly more challenging alphabetical order puzzle!

Animal Code Breaker 1

Animal Code Breaker 1

Solve the problems, crack the code and reveal three animal names! This is such a fun way to work on maths skills. This particular worksheet is aimed at Year 2-3 / 6-8 year olds.

Animal Code Breaker 2

Animal Code Breaker 2

Practise fractions and the four operations with this fun Animal Code Breaker, aimed (roughly) at Year 4 children (aged 8-9).

Animal Code Breaker 3

Animal Code Breaker 3

This code breaker puzzle involves decimals, fractions, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction - and it's a fun way to "drill" these skills while looking for the hidden African animals in the solution. Aimed at Year 5 (aged 9-10).

Animal Code Breaker 4

Animal Code Breaker 4

Solve for n to work out which African animals are hidden in this Animal Code Breaker. We've aimed this particular code breaker at Year 6 children (aged 10-11).

Animal Measurements Cards and Worksheets

Animal Measurements Cards and Worksheets

Print and cut out the animal cards, then use them to fill out the worksheet - for which children will have to convert lengths and heights from centimetres to metres, and weights from kilograms to grams. And why not play a "top trump" type game while you have the cards out!

Animal Number Peg Cards To 20

Animal Number Peg Cards To 20

There are some super illustrations on these animal number peg cards, including sharks, flamingos and jelly fish! Can the children practise their counting skills up to 20 and '"peg" the correct number of animals on each card?

Animals Colour and Count

Animals Colour and Count

This lovely worksheet gives children practice at both initial sounds and counting - and fun colouring too.

Animals Initial Sounds Odd One Out

Animals Initial Sounds Odd One Out

Help children practise their recognition of initial souinds with this fun set of animals odd one out worksheets. On each page we provide 4 animals ask children to say their names out loud to identify the 3 with the same initial sound and the odd one out.

Animals Scrambled Sentences Worksheet KS1

Animals Scrambled Sentences Worksheet KS1

This is a fun activity for autumn that will test children's ability to build a proper sentence, with punctuation. Unscramble the words and put them in the right order.

Animals Scrambled Sentences Worksheet KS2

Animals Scrambled Sentences Worksheet KS2

We've scrambled up these sentences about animals, but can the children put them into the correct order so that they make sense? They need to add capital letters and punctuation too...

We've included the answers too. 

Animals Stretch a Sentence Worksheet KS2

Animals Stretch a Sentence Worksheet KS2

Using the 5 "w" words is a clever method of encouraging reluctant writers to expand on what they are writing - and a useful tool for all students when they are feeling stuck. On the first page we give an example, starting off with "my black cat".

At The Aquarium Picture Comprehension

At The Aquarium Picture Comprehension

This picture comprehension asks children to study the picture of a family visiting an aquarium, then answer the question. We've included space for creative writing and a picture of your own, too.

Autumn Division with Remainders Cards

Autumn Division with Remainders Cards

There are 4 cards in this set with illustrated division problems for the kids to solve - perfect for beginners to dividing with remainders. You could laminate the cards and give the children a dry wipe pen to use to help to work out the answer.

Autumn Number Sentences 1

Autumn Number Sentences 1

Solve the long number sentences to work out the final answer. There are 2 similar worksheets in this set, for extra practice, both themed for autumn.

Autumn Number Sentences 2

Autumn Number Sentences 2

Solve the long number sentences - which will involve decimals, negative numbers and other Year 5 level maths skills.

Autumn Number Sentences 3

Autumn Number Sentences 3

This number sentence involves squares and cubes, negative numbers and more - we've aimed it at Year 6 kids.

Bat Fact vs Fiction

Bat Fact vs Fiction

Cut out the labels and stick them into the correct column on this bat "fact vs fiction" worksheet. Use it to encourage the children to learn about bats - they will need to find out the answers - or as a revision exercise.

Bat Pencil Control

Bat Pencil Control

Younger children can practise their pencil control with this fun worksheet, carefully following the dotted lines from the start towards the bats. You could also use this worksheet as a cutting exercise.

Bat Spelling Jigsaw

Bat Spelling Jigsaw

The word "bat" is one of the first CVC words introduced to children - so this jigsaw is perfect for early learners, particularly at Halloween.

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 20

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 20

Help the bees solve the addition and subtraction problems on these fun worksheets. There are 2 sets of problems in the pack to provide plenty of practice, all within 20.

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 50

Bee Hive Adding and Subtracting Within 50

Practise addition and subtractionn with 50 with these 2 pages of mixed problems - perfect for summer or a minibeast topic, or just a fun way to perk up maths practise at anytime.

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 3

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 3

Work on the 6, 7 and 9 times table with the help of these "bee hive" worksheets. Can the kids be busy bees and solve all the problems on both pages?

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 4

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 4

The 11 times table is fun, but the 12 times table isn't always very popular! These 2 worksheets provide drill practice of the 11 and 12 times tables in a fun "bee hive" format.

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 5

Bee Hive Times Table Worksheets 5

There are 3 "bee hive" worksheets in this set, testing the kids on all the times tables. They are basically drill worksheets, of course, but we think the format makes them more fun to complete!

Budgie Cloze

Budgie Cloze

The aim of this cloze is to use the words in the box to fill in the blank spaces in the text. It's a fun way to test how much the kids have learnt about budgies!

Budgie Interview Writing Prompt

Budgie Interview Writing Prompt

A lot of budgies really do like to 'talk'! But imagine if you could interview one properly? What would you ask them and how might they reply?

Bunny Dice Addition

Bunny Dice Addition

Here's a fun way to practise addition of two numbers up to 12, using 2 normal dice and our game board with colouring pencils or counters. You can try this as a single player game against the clock, or as a multi player game.

Butterflies and Moths Venn

Butterflies and Moths Venn

Use the information you have gathered about the differences between butterflies and moths to make a Venn diagram.

Butterfly Caterpillar Partitioning 1

Butterfly Caterpillar Partitioning 1

Here's a fun way to introduce the children to partioning numbers (hundreds, tens and units) - with butterflies and caterpillars! There are 3 pages with 12 questions in the pack, to which we have provided one answer an an example.

Butterfly Colour Match Worksheet

Butterfly Colour Match Worksheet

Here's a fun way to test if the children know their colour words! Can they draw a line from each beautiful butterfly to the correct colour word?

Butterfly Coordinate Picture

Butterfly Coordinate Picture

Here's a mystery picture worksheet that will give the kids plenty of practice with coordinates! Don't tell them what to expect so that they can reveal the picture as they plot the points.

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 2

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 2

Challenge the kids to plot the points in this coordinate picture with 2 quadrants, to reveal an interesting picture. Although we've had to name the pdf file, it would be better not to let the kids know what they will find!

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 3

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 3

This challenging coordinate picture is based on 4 quadrants. Don't tell the kids what they are plotting so that they can reveal the mystery picture with their work.

Butterfly Coordinates

Butterfly Coordinates

Butterfly coordinates! Write down coordinates, plot shapes, translate shapes ... this worksheet provides a real workout!

Butterfly Count the Spots

Butterfly Count the Spots

This worksheet asks children to count the spots on the butterfly - first as a whole, and then wing by wing. It then asks whether the children notice anything. Use it as a starting point to discuss symmetry and doubling, perhaps.

Butterfly Count the Spots 2

Butterfly Count the Spots 2

Here's a simple activity for children learning to count up to 20. Count the spots! We have both colour and black and white versions of this page.

Butterfly Double the Spots Blank

Butterfly Double the Spots Blank

Use this blank sheet to practise doubling. You could laminate the page and use it with a set of counters and a dry wipe pen, leaving your child to work by themselves or perhaps filling in one of the boxes yourself and asking them to work out how to fill the rest.

Butterfly Double the Spots Worksheets to 20

Butterfly Double the Spots Worksheets to 20

Each of the pages in this pdf file contains one doubling problem for children to solve - a perfect way to get kids started. Count the existing spots, draw the same number again, and then write the sum underneath.

Butterfly Doubling to 10 Worksheet

Butterfly Doubling to 10 Worksheet

Learn to double 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with this colourful butterfly worksheet. Counting the dots first on the left and then on the right will help them to understand.

Butterfly Life Cycle Cloze

Butterfly Life Cycle Cloze

This butterfly lifecycle cloze worksheet is an interesting way to learn a little more about the life cycle of these fascinating minibeasts. We've provided a number of words to be used to fill in the blanks.

Butterfly Life Cycle Matching Worksheet

Butterfly Life Cycle Matching Worksheet

Can the kids match the pictures to the descriptions and put them in order too on this butterfly life cycle matching worksheet? Choose from our colour version or black and white which they can colour in themselves...

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers

Can you put the odd and even numbers onto the correct side of the butterfly? For this worksheet we are using numbers 1 to 20.

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers 2

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers 2

This worksheet asks children to sort the odd and even numbers each onto one side of the butterfly, working with numbers up to 100.

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet

This pictogram worksheet shows the number of butterflies we counted over the summer, sorted by colour. We ask children to study the pictogram, paying attention to the key, and then answer the questions below.

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet 2

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet 2

This interesting worksheet asks children to study the pictogram and its and then answer the questions below. It features half and quarter butterflies!

Butterfly Picture Comprehension

Butterfly Picture Comprehension

Look at the fun picture of butterflies and then answer the simple questions below. We've also asked children to write the first line of a story based on the picture, to get their imaginations going!

Butterfly Read and Colour 2

Butterfly Read and Colour 2

Read the instructions and then colour in the butterfly just how they say. This is a fun way to test reading comprehension.

Butterfly Shape Match Up

Butterfly Shape Match Up

For this pretty worksheet, we've taken the first 4 shapes that children learn, turned them into flowers and provided butterflies and a caterpillar with shape preferences for the children to match up!

Butterfly Shape Poetry

Butterfly Shape Poetry

This worksheet asks children to write a shape poem about a butterfly or butterflies, using the shape to form and enhance the poetry. We provide some ideas on the worksheet.

Butterfly Size Sorting

Butterfly Size Sorting

Butterflies come in all different shapes and sizes, just like on this fun printable activity! Cut out the butterflies, then shuffle them up and reorder them by size.

Butterfly Skip Counting 2s

Butterfly Skip Counting 2s

Skip count your way across the grid by 2s, to help the butterfly find a leaf on which to lay her eggs.

Butterfly Species Fact vs Fiction

Butterfly Species Fact vs Fiction

We've had fun making up some species of butterfly - so that the kids can decide whether the names we've provided are fact or fiction! Cut and paste to complete the worksheet.

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet

This worksheet asks children to look at a table recording the butterfly-spotting antics of 4 friends competing for a big prize, and answers some questions on what they see.

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet 2

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet 2

This pie chart worksheet asks children to work out the percentage of butterflies spotted of each colour out of a total of 200, then answer a series of questions.

Butterfly Story Starter 2

Butterfly Story Starter 2

What happens next in this story? We've worded it so that kids can take it in many different directions, and it will be fun to see what they come up with.

Cat Cloze

Cat Cloze

We've left out some of the words in this cloze text all about cats. Can the children fill in the missing words using the word bank on page 2?

Cat Interview Writing Prompt

Cat Interview Writing Prompt

If I could ask my cat a question, I think I would ask why he likes to wake us all up by meowing loudly at 6am every morning! What would you ask your pet cat (or a different cat) if you could have a conversation with them?

Caterpillar Comprehension Questions

Caterpillar Comprehension Questions

Read Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti (we have a lovely printable version here) and then answer these questions. We've included an answer sheet for easy marking / checking in the pdf.

Colour and Count Butterflies

Colour and Count Butterflies

Colour the butterflies according to their first letter sound, and then count up the pictures beginning with each sound too. The page is themed around caterpillars and butterflies.

Colour Number Bonds to 10

Colour Number Bonds to 10

Colour the pairs of butterflies to make 10. This worksheet is a cute activity for children who are just starting on number bonds to 10. We have similar pages for 20, 30 and 50 too.

Colour Number Bonds to 30

Colour Number Bonds to 30

Colour the pairs of butterflies to make 30. You can't have too much practice with number bonds - so we've provided 2 pages in this worksheet set. We have similar pages for 10, 20 and 50 too.

Colour Number Bonds to 50

Colour Number Bonds to 50

Colour the pairs of butterflies to make 50. If children can master number bonds, so much maths and mental maths becomes easier in future! We have similar pages for 10, 20 and 30 too.

Colour Place Value 2

Colour Place Value 2

Colour the butterflies according to the key - looking for a specific number in a specific place. This is a simple first worksheet for practising place value.

Colour Place Value 3

Colour Place Value 3

This worksheet gives children practice at recognising hundreds, tens and "ones" or units. Colouring butterflies makes it fun!

Colour Place Value 4

Colour Place Value 4

Here's a challenge to help the kids recognise place value of "ones" or units, tens, hundreds and thousands. Colour in the butterflies according to the key.

Colour Place Value 5

Colour Place Value 5

We've thrown in a decimal place to this place value worksheet, just to keep the kids on their toes. Colour the butterflies according to the key!

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Pets

Comparing Numbers 1 to 10 Pets

Children can count and then compare the numbrer of dogs and cats in this introductory comparing numbers worksheet, and finish the sentences with some comparison words.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Minibeasts

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Minibeasts

This fun worksheet asks children to count the minibeasts and fill in the number, then compare with another group and use comparison words "more" and "fewer" in the sentences below.

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Wildlife

Comparing Numbers to 20 Worksheet Wildlife

The little wildlife pictures on this worksheet make the counting and comparing fun! We provide groups of rabbits, squirrels, sparrows and owls for the kids to count and compare, and ask them to fill in the blanks with comparison words.

Conservation Organisations Research Project

Conservation Organisations Research Project

This interesting worksheet prompts the kids to do some research about a conservation organisation, then to write down everything they find. Can they find out about the animals they work with, the work they do and how they are funded?

Crab Number Sorting 2

Crab Number Sorting 2

There are 4 pages of these lovely crabs in this pack of sorting cards. Start with 1 set of 6 cards, then another set and work through the 4 sets, then try combining them until the kids can sort all 24 into the correct order - either from small to large or from large to small.

Crab Number Sorting 3

Crab Number Sorting 3

There are 24 crab number sorting cards in this pack. Try 6 at a time and then combine to give more of a challenge. The numbers range from 66 to 996.

Crab Number Sorting 4

Crab Number Sorting 4

Put the crab cards into the correct order - from smallest to largest, or from largest to smallest! This set includes numbers in the hundreds and numbers in the thousands.

Crab Number Sorting 5

Crab Number Sorting 5

This set of crab number sorting cards is going to challenge the kids! We've included decimals and numbers from the 100s to the 100,000s! Start with one set of 6 cards and then build up until you are sorting all 24...

Crab Number Sorting 6

Crab Number Sorting 6

We've made this set of Crab Number Sorting cards very challenging by adding in negative numbers, decimals to 3 places and numbers into the 100,000s - a great way to revise place value with the kids!

CVC Words Animals Read and Draw

CVC Words Animals Read and Draw

This is a really fun worksheet, which will encourage the children to read the sentences carefully and then draw what's missing.

Digging pig story starter

Digging Pig Story Starter

This fun story starter is bound to spark the imagination! A lovely pig has dug up something sparkly, but what could it be?

Dog Cloze

Dog Cloze

This is a great worksheet for children to learn a little more about dogs by filling in the missing words in sentences.

Dog Counting Jigsaw

Dog Counting Jigsaw

Colour in this jigsaw and then cut into strips. Children need to be able to put the strips 1 - 10 in the correct order to complete our dog counting jigsaw. When they have mastered their numbers you can cut them off the bottom and still enjoy the jigsaw without them.

Dog Interview Writing Prompt

Dog Interview Writing Prompt

Wouldn't it be great to talk to your dog? Try to imagine that you can really have a conversation with your pet pooch with this fun worksheet.

Dog Spelling Jigsaw

Dog Spelling Jigsaw

This dog spelling jigsaw is perfect for early learners! It comes in black and white for the kids to colour first, or in colour, with three simple pieces to put back together.

Dogs Jigsaw - Ordinal Numbers

Dogs Ordinal Numbers Jigsaw

Learn ordinal numbers with the help of this lovely jigsaw. Choose from colour or black and white. If choosing the black and white version, ask the kids to colour it in first. Now slice up the jigsaw, including the numbers. Can the kids put it back together again in the right order?

Easter Alphabet Matching Cards

Easter Alphabet Matching Cards

Here's an Easter activity to help the children practise upper and lower case letter recognition. Print onto some card and cut out the pieces (laminate if you prefer). The children then need to match the lower case letters on the carrots with the upper case letters on the bunnies!

Endangered Animal Profile

Endangered Animal Profile

Sadly, many animals are now endangered on our planet. Do some research on an endangered species, then fill in the worksheet and draw a picture too.

Farm Animals Number Line 0-10

Farm Animals Number Line 0-10

Who could resist a little counting practice when they are helped along with our pig, cow and sheep! These number lines have been designed to be extra quick to print, slice and use. Laminate for wearability if you wish.

Fish Cloze

Fish Cloze

Use the word bank to fill in the spaces in this cloze which will teach you all about fish!

Fish Colour Sorting

Fish Colour Sorting

The kids will learn about colours and how to sort them with this fun fish activity! Print and cut out the fish, then ask the kids to sort them by colours onto the mats (UK and US versions available below).

Fish Interview Writing Prompt

Fish Interview Writing Prompt

Ever wondered what it's like to spend your life underwater? You can ask a fish all about it with this imaginative worksheet!

Fish Ordinal Numbers

Fish Ordinal Numbers

These large, cheerfully coloured fish are sure to brighten up the classroom! Have them swimming around the room in order or use them for sorting activities. This printable has 10 fish, 1st to 10th.

Fish Pattern Sorting

Fish Pattern Sorting

Here's a colourful sorting activity to keep the kids busy and help them learn about different patterns. Print and cut out the colourful fish, print out the sorting mats too and sort the fish by their patterns.

Fish Sorting By Size

Fish Sorting By Size

Here's a fun printable activity for younger children. Print out our fish printables, cut each one out, and ask the children to sort them by size. You could also look for other characteristics - number of fins, shape of snouts etc.

Frog Life Cycle Cloze

Frog Life Cycle Cloze

Fill in the gaps to complete the text describing the frog life cycle using the words from the box on the second page of the worksheet.

Giraffe Hundred Square

Giraffe Hundred Square

In colour, black and white, with or without stripes, showing odds and evens ... this hundred square is funny and cute and we hope the kids like it!

Giraffe Hundred Square Fill in the Blanks

Giraffe Hundred Square Fill in the Blanks

Pick from 5 versions of our "fill in the blanks" hundred square, cheered on by a very elongated giraffe! We've included 3 levels of random numbers as well as an odds and an evens exercise.

Giraffe Hundred Square Times Tables Pack

Giraffe Hundred Square Times Tables Pack

Get the kids skip counting their times tables or print out our lovely giraffe hundred squares for reference. We've picked out the numbers from 1-100 in colour, for tables from 2s to 10s. This is a 10 page pdf file.

Goldfish Cloze

Goldfish Cloze

The aim of this cloze is to use the words in the box to fill in the blanks in the text. It's a fun way to test how much the kids have learnt about goldfish!

Goldish Counting Jigsaw

Goldfish Counting Jigsaw

Colour in (or print our coloured version), cut and re-assemble this fun goldfish counting jigsaw to help kids learn their numbers up to 10. Slice along the vertical lines.

Goldfish Spelling Jigsaw

Goldfish Spelling Jigsaw

Cut this goldfish scene into 8 pieces and see if your child can put them in the correct order to spell out 'goldfish'.

Guinea Pig Cloze

Guinea Pig Cloze

What do your children know about the guinea pigs? Test them with this fun cloze worksheet. Read the text and fill in the missing words from the word bank

Guinea Pig Interview Writing Prompt

Guinea Pig Interview Writing Prompt

Guinea pigs are very sociable animals and love to live in pairs - so they'd probably be chatty if they could speak! This fun interview writing prompts asks the kids to think of a question they would most like to ask a guinea pig and to think about how the guinea pig would answer...

Guinea Pig Size Sorting

Guinea Pig Size Sorting

The children will love ordering these adorable guinea pigs according to size! And if you laminate them too you can reuse them again.

Guinea Pig Spelling Jigsaw

Guinea Pig Spelling Jigsaw

Print our guinea pig spelling jigsaw on to card. Cut out the jigsaw and cut along the dotted lines to make strips. When the strips are in the correct order to complete the picture they will spell out 'guinea pig'.

Hamster Cloze

Hamster Cloze

How much do your children know about hamsters? Test them with this fun cloze worksheet. Read the text and fill in the missing words from the word bank.

Hamster Interview Writing Prompt

Hamster Interview Writing Prompt

Our pet animal interview writing prompts are fun if you're planning on getting a new pet! This one is for a hamster - what would you ask a hamster, and how do you think they would respond if they could speak?

Hamster Size Sorting

Hamster Size Sorting

Cut out these 5 adorable hamsters, then sort them according to size. Laminate for extra durability if you prefer.

Hibernating Animals Code Breaker 2

Hibernating Animals Code Breaker 2

Here's a trickier version of our hibernating animals code breaker - a fun maths challenge for the kids, designed as a code breaking activity.

Horse Cloze

Horse Cloze

Learn about horses by reading the text and filling in the blanks from the word bank on this cloze worksheet.

Horse Interview Writing Prompt

Horse Interview Writing Prompt

The kids can pretend to be Dr Doolittle and talk to the animals with our interview writing prompts! What would they ask a horse?

Horse Parade Pencil Control

Horse Parade Pencil Control

Practise pencil control by following the horses on parade! Start with a straight line and then get increasingly more wiggly...

I Can Help Wildlife Worksheet

I Can Help Wildlife Worksheet

This fun 'I Can Help Wildlife' worksheet is ideal for younger kids with a cute hedgehog illustration and asks them to think of 4 ways they can help protect wildlife.

Ig Words Worksheet

Ig Words Worksheet

Can the children circle the letters that form words when you put them in front of '-ig'?  We have UK and US versions available to download below...

Label the Bat Worksheet

Label the Bat Worksheet

Did you know that bats have thumbs? Colour in the picture and then use our labels to mark the bat's body parts correctly.

Label the Bear Worksheet

Label the Bear Worksheet

Colour the bear and then use our labels to mark up his body parts correctly. You can cut them out and glue them around the bear, or just draw lines.

Label the British Wildlife

Label the British Wildlife

We have three versions of this British Wildlife labelling activity to suit a range of ages: completely blank, with first letters, and with missing letters to fill in.

Label The Farm Animals

Label The Farm Animals

Learn the names of farm animals with one of three label the farm animals worksheets.  We have a choice of blank, first letter clue or missing letters to fill in so you can pick the one that is right for your child.

Label the Ladybird Worksheet

Label the Ladybird Worksheet

Cut out the labels and arrange them around the ladybird as appropriate, drawing lines to join them to correct body part.

Label the Minibeasts

Label the Minibeasts

We have three variations of this label the minibeasts worksheet; blank, with first letter clues, and fill in the missing letters. We also have options for ladybird or ladybug.

Label The Pet Animals

Label The Pet Animals

We've got 12 cute pet animals for the kid to label on this lovely worksheet, and we've given them the first letter of each pet name to help.

Lamb Size Sorting

Lamb Size Sorting

Baaaaa! Can the children sort these cute little lambs according to size? Print and cut out each lamb, and laminate to make them a bit stronger and longer-lasting. 

Match Butterfly Decimal to Percentage

Match Butterfly Decimal to Percentage

Match the decimal butterflies to the correct percentage butterflies! There are 4 pages to this worksheet, providing plenty of practice for the kids.

Minibeasts Number Line 0-10

Minibeasts Number Line 0-10

Help the kids learn to count with these extra cute minibeast number lines! We have an ant, bee and beetle to help them along...

Missing Numbers Worksheet Set 1

Missing Numbers Worksheet Set 1

Help Fred the friendly dog learn to count up to 10, and count on, by filling in the missing numbers on this fun set of 4 worksheets.

Missing Numbers Worksheet Set 2

Missing Numbers Worksheet Set 2

Our second set of missing numbers worksheets works on "counting backwards" from 10 down to 1, and any number along the way. Help Felix the Fox with his counting backwards skills! There are 4 worksheets in the set, and they are available with UK and US school fonts.

Naming An Animal Worksheet

Naming An Animal Worksheet

Here's a fun activity with a difference! Can the children think of what kind of animal they would like named after them? They should think of a name, description, and draw a picture of it too...

Not a Cheetah Story Starter

Not a Cheetah Story Starter

Here is a fun story starter using a young cheetah called Kobi, who can't run fast like his cheetah friends. How will the children finish the story?

Number Line 0-10 - Bees

Number Line 0-10 - Bees

These colourful number lines come with blue edges and cheerful bees to help the kids along. Just slice along the dotted lines to divide them up.

On The Farm Picture Comprehension

On The Farm Picture Comprehension

Take a trip to the farm with this fun picture comprehension worksheet, which tests your child's observational skills as well as providing opportunities for thinking and creative writing!

On The Farm Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

On The Farm Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

My children often have something to say about the smell when they visit a farm! Use this sensory poem planning sheet to help complete some "On the farm" poetry...

Ordinal Numbers Gap Worksheet 1

Ordinal Numbers Gap Worksheet 1

This fun worksheet is idea beginners to ordinal numbers. Fill in the blanks in each row to practice the concept and writing of 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Panda Cloze

Panda Cloze

We've left out some of the words in this cloze text all about pandas. Can the children fill in the missing words using the word bank on page 2?

Panda Spelling Jigsaw

Panda Spelling Jigsaw

Learn to spell the word panda with this fun printable jigsaw. Print out onto good quality card and slice along the vertical lines. Now when the kids put it back together again, they will make a lovely panda scene!

Pet Animal Big And Small Size Sorting Worksheet

Pet Animal Big And Small Size Sorting Worksheet

The kids will love the fun illustrations on this pet animal big and small size sorting worksheet! Can the children circle the biggest picture in each row and draw a cross on the smallest?

Pet Animal Size Sorting Worksheet

Pet Animal Size Sorting Worksheet

Here's a colourful size sorting worksheet that the kids will love! Can the children number the pictures of pets in each row according to size?

Pig Cloze

Pig Cloze

Learn a little about pigs by reading the text on this cloze worksheet, then fill in the blanks using words from the word bank.

Pig Dice Addition

Pig Dice Addition

Practise addition skills with the help of some cute pigs! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Rabbit Cloze

Rabbit Cloze

This rabbit cloze worksheet is an interesting way to learn a little more about rabbits. We've provided a number of words to be used to fill in the blanks.

Rabbit Counting Jigsaw

Rabbit Counting Jigsaw

Help the kids practise counting with this fun printable jigsaw featuring some cute rabbits. Print onto card and then slice along the vertical lines. To extend the activity, choose the black-and-white version and ask them to colour in the picture first.

Rabbit Interview Writing Prompt

Rabbit Interview Writing Prompt

If you could interview a rabbit (your own pet or someone else's) what would you ask them? And how would the rabbit reply? This fun worksheet is perfect for a pet topic.

Rabbit Spelling Jigsaw

Rabbit Spelling Jigsaw

This rabbit spelling jigsaw is a fun way for children to learn the letters in the word rabbit. Print onto some card (colour the picture if you choose the black and white version), and then cut the jigsaw into strips.

Reindeer Cloze

Reindeer Cloze

This fun cloze is perfect as a Christmas activity, as it's about reindeer! Can the children fill in the missing words using the words in the box on page 2?

Roman Numerals Animals Place Value

Roman Numerals Animals Place Value

This worksheet asks children to work out what the numbers are first with an animal code - and then write them as Roman numerals. It makes it more fun than your average worksheet!

Sea creatures number line 0-10

Sea Creatures Number Line 0-10

Here are three easy-to-print number lines for early learning, with numbers 0 to 10 and some very cute sea creatures to help the kids learn to count!

Snake Alphabet Jigsaw

Snake Alphabet Jigsaw

Print and cut out this delightful snake jigsaw featuring all the letters of the alphabet, for your child to re-assemble - it's a great way to learn the alphabet! Available in colour and black and white, and with lower case and upper case letters.

Snake Sorting Mats 1

Snake Sorting Mats 1

These snake sorting mats are meant to be used with our snake sorting cards. They print two to a page and ask the children to sort the snake cards according to certain criteria.

Snake Sorting Mats 2

Snake Sorting Mats 2

Use this set of snake sorting mats with our snake sorting cards. Each page asks the children to identify a different characteristic. Vary the number of mats you hand out according to the age and ability of the child.

Sorting Horses

Sorting Horses

These bright stripy horses come in six different sizes. Print onto card, cut out (and laminate if you wish), then use them for counting, sorting into size order etc.

Spotty Snake Maths 2

Spotty Snake Maths 2

Follow the instructions to draw dots on the snakes, and then answer the questions. Colourful dotty maths is fun!

Spotty Snakes Maths

Spotty Snakes Maths

Children can draw more spots onto the snakes to work out the answer to each problem, or solve them with subtraction within 20.

Things To Do With My Dog This Summer

Things To Do With My Dog This Summer

Here's a fun planning sheet for kids with dogs to fill out in advance of the long summer holidays - things to do with my dog this summer! How about - walking, swimming, teaching tricks, playing ball, having a bath...

Tortoise Cloze

Tortoise Cloze

What do your children know about tortoises? Test them with this fun cloze worksheet (they can use the word bank to help them).

Tortoise Interview Writing Prompt

Tortoise Interview Writing Prompt

I wonder what it would be like to hibernate for the winter months? This is one question you might ask if you were interviewing a tortoise!

Tortoise Size Sorting

Tortoise Size Sorting

We have five different sized tortoises for children to practice sorting by size from smallest to largest - or vice versa. Print onto card, cut out and laminate for extra durability.

Tricks To Teach My Dog

Tricks To Teach My Dog

Write a list of tricks to teach the dog - and then you can tick them off when you have done it! Start with "sit" and "stay", perhaps?

Wildlife Conservation Newspaper Report

Wildlife Conservation Newspaper Report

Use this newspaper report to write about a wildlife conservation issue. Do some research first about a particular issue, the write about it and draw a picture too - a great conservation-themed activity for older kids!

Wildlife Conservation Poster Worksheet

Wildlife Conservation Poster Worksheet

Design a poster which explains the importance of wildlife conservation. You might include pictures of endangered species - or design a poster that shows the world without them.

Zookeeper Ratio Problems

Zookeeper Ratio Problems

Take a trip to the zoo to help Tom and Millie, the zookeepers, work out some of their feeding problems! This pdf includes a 2-page worksheet and a set of answers.

More Animal Worksheet Fun

Animal Word Tracing Worksheets
Animal Word Tracing Worksheets

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