Can you find all the words to do with the Moon Landing hidden in this wordsearch? Just print and start looking... Moon landing word search - Log in or Become a Member to downloadMoon landing word search - solution - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePuzzlesWord SearchesTopicsFamous PeopleFamous People A-ZNeil ArmstrongSpaceSpace PuzzlesSpace Word PuzzlesThe Moon50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing
Moon Landing Crossword All of the clues for this crossword are to do with the Moon Landing. Can the kids solve them then complete the crossword?
Moon Landing Research Worksheet This fun fact-finding worksheet will encourage the kids to do some research on the moon landing.
Moon Landing Diary Can the kids write about the Moon Landing from the point of view of one of the crew, their family, Nasa control, someone watching at home or even the president of the USA at the time? How would the experience be for them?