Collage is a great activity which allows children to use their imagination and create a wonderful effect, whether they have innate artistic ability or not. And it is perfect for mixed age groups too. Creating a monster collage can be really imaginative, too, as anything goes! Just make sure you dig out as many materials as possible.
You will need:
Card or construction paper for background
Card or construction paper for monster bodies (or paper plates, Styrofoam trays etc)
Ribbons, buttons, googly eyes, pipe cleaners - whatever you have in your craft cupboard
Give your child the supplies and get creative!
Younger children may want a helping hand to get started. You could cut out the shape for the body and stick it to the background, asking the child to decorate it. This is a good way to reinforce learning shapes.
You might also prompt the child. How many eyes has your monster got? What colour is your monster's body? Does your monster have ears? Where does your monster live? Shall we make up a story about your monster?