Minibeast Grid Copy Puzzles


Grid copies are great for building concentration, observation and pencil control skills - but of course they are fun to do, too! Here is a selection of grid copy puzzles with minibeasts as their theme.

Ant Grid Copy

Ant Grid Copy

Here is a fun grid copy puzzle for the kids, in which they need to from the left grid to the right grid. Counting the squares carefully and drawing each square at a time can help.

Bee Grid Copy

Bee Grid Copy

When the kids have learnt how to copy the bee with the help the grid, they could try it again on a plain piece of paper – and this time colour it in too.

Beetle Grid Copy

Beetle Grid Copy

This is a fun beetle grid copy puzzle for younger children. Use the squares to help you copy the picture, bit by bit.

Butterfly Grid Copy

Butterfly Grid Copy

Copy the pretty butterfly from the grid on the left to the grid on the right. It's a test of observation skills as well as counting and pencil control.

Caterpillar Grid Copy

Caterpillar Grid Copy

This is just one of a set of  minibeast grid copy puzzles, perfect for keeping the kids busy during long summer days, perhaps! This one features our cheeky caterpillar illustration.

Cricket Grid Copy

Cricket Grid Copy

It is fun to copy pictures using grids to help – especially when the picture is a cute cricket like this one! Include it in your minibeasts theme perhaps?

Frog Grid Copy

Frog Grid Copy

Our grid copy printables are a great way for children to learn how pictures are put together and practise their pencil control, counting and copying skills. This frog grid copy is quite tricky so not for absolute beginniners.

Grasshopper Grid Copy

Grasshopper Grid Copy

Here is a fun way to practise your pencil control skills! Copy the grasshopper from the grid on the left to the grid on the right.

Ladybird Grid Copy

Ladybird Grid Copy

We've made two versions of this grid copy puzzle. We have both a ladybird, and a ladybug (for our friends in the USA).

Snail Grid Copy

Snail Grid Copy

This is a relatively simple grid copy, so it might be a good one to start children off with. Copy the snail on the left into the empty grid on the right, counting squares to help you.

Spider Grid Copy

Spider Grid Copy

Can the kids copy this spider from the left hand grid to the right? It's quite tricky!

Worm Grid Copy

Worm Grid Copy

This is a good grid copy puzzle for younger children. They will still have to concentrate quite hard on getting the segments of our funny worm's body in the right place.

More Minibeast Puzzling Fun

Minibeast Dot to Dots
Minibeast Dot to Dots

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