Four bright and cheerful minibeast bookmarks to print with space for your own message, for you child to write his or her name, or for recording your page in reading books.
Well, I'm not going to pretend that cutting out these spider bookmarks is going to be easy – but I think they are worth it! You might want to laminate them to protect the spiders' legs and then poke them out of the top of a book for a spidery surprise.
These cute snail bookmarks put a smile on my face every time I see them – and I think they might encourage the kids to get on with their reading! Cut them out and put them into a book so that a little head pops over the top of the page…
Here is the complete set of our shaped minibeast bookmarks in a 2-page PDF file – perfect for handing out in the classroom, popping into party bags, or just saving up for special books…