Martha and Mary Caption Cards
These simple caption cards are perfect to use as a quick sequencing activity or with our Martha and Mary colouring pages for displays. There are four caption cards on the page to cut out.
This is the story of Martha, who invited Jesus and His followers them into her home - and the upset that it caused between her and her sister Mary! It's a short story and not, perhaps, the easiest one to understand. As a child I felt very sorry for Martha! You can read our simplified, child-friendly version of the story here, or download it in various formats together with accompanying materials.
With thanks to for these wonderful images.
38 Jesus and his followers continued their travels. They came to a village where a woman called Martha invited them into at her house.
39 Martha had a sister called Mary. Mary sat down at Jesus' feet and listened to him as he spoke to the group. 40 Martha was so busy serving all the guests that she became angry. She went to Jesus and said, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do all the work alone? Tell her to help me!"
41 Jesus replied, "Martha, Martha, you are getting worried and upset about all sorts of unimportant things. 42 Only one thing is actually important. Mary has chosen it, and it can never be taken away from her."
These simple caption cards are perfect to use as a quick sequencing activity or with our Martha and Mary colouring pages for displays. There are four caption cards on the page to cut out.
These lovely colouring pages show the story of Luke Chapter 10 verses 38 to 42, when Jesus visited Martha and Mary - while Martha was busy preparing food and cleaning the house, Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to him instead of helping with the chores.
We've added simple captions to these 4 delightful colouring pages that tell the story of Martha and Mary.
This printable picture comprehension is aimed at older children, and asks them to answer questions about Martha and Mary after they have read the story.
This 4-page printable colouring book tells the simplified version of the story of Martha and Mary from Luke Chapter 10 verses 38 to 42. We've kept the numbering of the verses so that children become familiar with the Bible.
This four-page story booklet tells the story of Luke Chapter 10, verses 38 to 42 - the story of Martha and Mary. Print out the pages pages and then fold together to make the booklet, and the children may like to colour in the pictures too.
These 4 sequencing cards are a fun way to help the children learn the story of Luke Chapter 10, verses 38 to 42, when Jesus visited two sisters Martha and Mary. Print onto paper or card and cut out each of the 4 cards - the children can colour in the pictures too if they like.