Make Some BFG Ears!


Why not be the BFG? This is a very simple but effective Roald Dahl craft! 

Make some BFG ears
Lottie as BFG!


We used one A4 sheet of pink craft foam, folded it in half and drew a large BFG ear shape on one side. We cut around our shape through both layers of foam, giving us 2 ears which were the same shape. We then drew some black lines on the ears to make them more realistic (you can copy our ears, below, for inspiration!) 

Finally we fastened the ears to a pink hair band and they were ready to wear! Similar results could be obtained using cardboard, and if you don’t have any hair bands in the house try making a cardboard headband and fastening the ears to that instead.

Roald Dahl Craft, BFG Ears


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