Llama Collage Craft


This llama craft is really easy to do and it looks very cute and colourful. For younger children, picking up small objects such as pompoms is great to help them to develop their pincer grip and the fine motor muscles needed for writing. 

You will need:

  • Llama Outline 
  • Card
  • Glue
  • Collaging materials - we have used pompoms but you could use buttons, scrunched up pieces of tissue paper, pieces of card or empty out your hole puncher and use the little paper circles. 


Print out the llama outline onto a piece of card. 

Spread glue onto the llama.

Stick your collaging materials to the llama. Think carefully about where you will put the colours. Do you want to put a carpet on the llama's back? These are usually very colourful. 


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