We have lots of lions at Activity Village, but not many lionesses! Here is a lioness's face with dotted lines for the children to trace. Lioness tracing page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePrintablesTracing PrintablesTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZLionsLion PrintablesLion WorksheetsAfrican AnimalsAfrican Animal PrintablesAfrican Animal Tracing PagesAnimal WorksheetsAnimal Tracing Pages
Lion Tracing Page 2 This lovely lion tracing page will give the kids plenty of pencil control practice, especially if they trace over all the dotted lines. Younger children can trace in the channel between the lines.
Lion Tracing Page Even the most reluctant drawer won't be able to resist picking up a pencil to complete our magnificent lion tracing page.
Lion Writing Paper I love the lion illustration on this cute writing paper, and hope he will inspire a magnificant letter or story! Choose from three versions below.