Learn to Draw a Cowboy
Yeehaw! Learn to draw a cowboy complete with lassoo with this simple step by step guide.
From Cowboys to Pilgrims to Uncle Sam to the Statue of Liberty, you can learn to draw these icons of America with our learn to draw the USA tutorials.
Yeehaw! Learn to draw a cowboy complete with lassoo with this simple step by step guide.
Get the pencils out at Thanksgiving and let the kids learn how to draw this cute little Native American boy to impress their friends!
Kids can find out how to draw a Native American girl with our fun step by step drawing tutorial printable.
Special fun for Thanksgiving - learn to draw a pilgrim boy! Our step by step printable tutorial with give kids the confidence to draw this pilgrim boy and all sorts of other Thanksgiving pictures.
Here's something fun for Thanksgiving! Learn to draw this pretty pilgrim girl (she's just one of a set of these learn to draw printables at Activity Village).
Follow the steps carefully and our printable learn to draw tutorial will soon have you drawing the Statue of Liberty.
Follow along with our step by step tutorial and learn how to draw your own Uncle Sam cartoon. You can also use the last picture for ideas on colouring him in.