Learn to Draw a Chick
Learn to draw this cute little chick with our step by step drawing tutorial. Once you can draw one, you'll want to end up drawing lots more!
Here's a collection of our "learn to draw" activities for Spring. Children can follow along with our step by step tutorials and learn how to produce their own drawings of flowers and spring-time animals and birds. Print off a collection!
Learn to draw this cute little chick with our step by step drawing tutorial. Once you can draw one, you'll want to end up drawing lots more!
Learn how to draw a pretty spring daffodil with this fun step by step drawing tutorial. When you have done one, why not draw a whole field of daffodils!
Here's one being used, for inspiration!
Kids can learn how to draw a duck or duckling by following our step by step illustrations. It's a fun way to build confidence in drawing and copying...
Children can follow the steps to draw their own pretty hyacinth, ready to colour in. Why not draw your own pot of multi-coloured hyacinths!
Follow our step by step illustrations and kids will soon learn how to draw this lovely rabbit - perfect for Easter or Chinese New Year!
Kids will be drawing a whole flock of these cute little sheep in minutes when they learn this clever step by step technique!
Snowdrops are often the first sign of growth in late Winter and early Spring, and therefore they are very popular little flowers! Learn how to draw your own tulips with this simple step by step tutorial.
Drawing a spring tree is simple when you follow along with our tutorial. Don't forget to add lots of pretty blossom!
You know it is well and truly Spring when the tulips start to appear! Children can learn to draw their own tulips by following our step to step drawing tutorials...