Here is a simple photographic poster of a lamb - perfect for display at Spring or perhaps Easter, or for your Farm Animals topic. Lamb poster - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysEasterEaster PrintablesEaster PostersPrintablesPostersTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZSheepSheep PrintablesFarm AnimalsFarm Animal PrintablesFarm Animal PostersAnimal PrintablesAnimal PostersAround the WorldEuropeUnited KingdomWalesWelsh PrintablesWales Posters
Lamb Poster 2 This photographic poster of a lamb looking straight at the camera is just very cute - how could you resist printing it out for the classroom or home? It would be fun as part of a Welsh, Australian or New Zealand display.
Sheep Scene Poster 2 Here is a lovely poster of a sheep and lamb to print and display on a nursery or classroom wall.
Sheep and Lamb Poster Here's a poster of a mother sheep and her cuddly baby lamb. This is sure to be a cute addition to a spring time display.