Learn a little about Julius Caesar and enjoy our collection of printable activities and worksheets designed to engage children and encourage them to learn more about this most famous of Roman generals!
Julius Caesar (100 BC–44 BC) was a politician and general in Ancient Rome who helped build the powerful Roman Empire. He made enemies along the way and was eventually assassinated just a year after he was declared “dictator for life”.
Fun Facts
- Did you know that Julius Caesar invented our calendar system? The Roman calendar had 355 days in a year, based on the moon’s cycle. Caesar proposed a more accurate ‘Julian’ calendar using the time it takes the earth to revolve around the sun - 365 ¼ days - with a “leap year” every four years to cover the quarter. Today, we use a slightly altered version called the Gregorian calendar. His birthday month was also renamed Julius (July) in his honour.
- Julius Caesar was once captured by pirates. When they demanded a ransom for his release, Caesar thought that the price was insultingly low and demanded that they raise it!
“Experience is the teacher of all things.”
Julius Caesar
“Veni, vidi, vici.” (I came, I saw, I conquered)
Julius Caesar
A short biography of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was born in Rome in 100 BC to a respectable family and had a typical childhood, taught by a tutor from the age of 6 and learning useful leadership skills such as Roman law and public speaking. When he was 16 his father died and he became “the man of the house”.
Early career
Before he was even 20, Julius managed to anger the dictator of Rome, Sulla, and had to flee. He joined the army and became a great military man, winning the love and loyalty of the men he commanded. When Sulla died in 78 BC, Julius returned to Rome, poor but ambitious, and worked his way up through the ranks of government. He was a great speaker and popular with the people, but he also played the political game and made powerful friends such as Pompey, a great general.
Pompey helped Julius progress his career and he was appointed Governor of Spain. At the age of 40, Julius was elected consul, the highest position in the Roman Republic. Consuls were elected in pairs and served for 1 year. At the end of his term he was appointed as Governor of Gaul (now France and Belgium), where he was very successful, subduing the whole region and bringing it under Roman control. He was less successful in his attempts to claim Britain, in 55 and 54 BC.
Meanwhile, in Rome…
Pompey and the Roman Senate – the body of 300 aristocrats who helped govern Rome under the Consuls - felt threatened by Julius’ success and his army. When Julius was up for re-election, Pompey ordered him to disband his army and return to Rome. But Julius didn’t trust Pompey and came back to Rome in 49 BC with one legion of his army. It was war between them!
Civil war
Pompey had the support of the Senate and Caesar had the support of the people. Julius’ quickly took control in Rome and, after 18 months fighting, eventually defeating Pompey’s much larger, better equipped army. Pompey fled to Egypt where the Egyptian pharaoh, Ptolemy, had him assassinated, sending his head to Julius! Ptolemy hoped that Julius would show his thanks by siding with him against his sister Cleopatra. Instead, Julius supported Cleopatra and they even became lovers and had a son together, Caesarion.
Temporary triumph
Julius returned to Rome in 46 BC, the most powerful man in the world, and was soon appointed “dictator for life” by the Senate - which he had filled with his supporters. But when Caesar began to take more and more power, the Senate became anxious. A plot was hatched and Julius was assassinated by a group of Senators, stabbed more than 20 times!
Julius’ influence was long-standing. The name Caesar was adopted to mean ‘leader’ in different languages, such as the Russian ‘czar’ and the German ‘kaiser’. The Roman Empire went on to control a third of the world’s population, and to shape many of the civilisations that we know today.
Our Julius Caesar Activities and Worksheets