Jacob's Ladder


Genesis chapter 28 verses 10 to 22 tell the story of a dream. Jacob dreams of a ladder or stairway to heaven, and receives a promise from God. Here you can find printable resources which are based on simplified versions of the Jacob's Ladder story re-written specially for children.

Bible Stories for Kids - Jacob's Ladder - Genesis 28:10-22

With thanks to Commonforall.com for these wonderful images.

Jacob's Ladder - Genesis 28:10-22

10 Jacob left Beersheba and set off towards Haran. 11 When the sun set he camped for the night, taking a stone for a pillow and lying down to sleep. 12 He dreamed about a ladder reaching all the way up from that place to heaven, with God's angels climbing up and down it. 13 He saw the Lord standing above the ladder, and God said "I am the Lord, God of your father Abraham and of Isaac. I will give to you and your descendants the land on which you are now sleeping. 14 You will have as many descendants as the dust on the earth, and they will spread to the west and east and north and south. Through you and your descendants, all the families on earth will be blessed. 15 I am with you, and I will look after you, wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have given you what I have promised.

16. Jacob woke up and thought, "I didn't know it, but God is definitely here in this place." 17. Then he was afraid, and thought, "This place fills me with wonder. It must be the house of God, and the gate of heaven."

18 He rose early the next morning, took the stone he had used as a pillow, stood it up on its end like a pillar, and poured olive oil on the top as an offering. 19 The place had been called Luz, but Jacob renamed it Bethel.

20. Then Jacob made a promise, saying "If He will be with me, and keep me safe when I travel, and feed me and clothe me 21 so that I can return to my father's house in peace, then the Lord will be my God. 22 This stone, this pillar, will be God's house. And I promise to give God one tenth of everything that he grants to me."

Jacob's Ladder - The Short Version

  • Jacob set off towards Haran. Along the way he camped for the night, using a stone for a pillow.
  • During the night he dreamed he saw a ladder up to heaven, with God at the top of the ladder.
  • God promised to give Jacob the land he slept on for his many descendants, who would spread far and wide in all directions.
  • Jacob promised to worship God and to give back to Him one tenth of everything he was given.

Our Jacob's Ladder Resources

Jacob's Ladder colouring pages

Jacob's Ladder Colouring Pages

Here are 4 lovely colouring pages illustrating the Bible story of Jacob's ladder dream from Genesis chapter 28 verses 10-22. Kids can colour them in for display or for their own enjoyment.

Jacob's Ladder Story and Colouring Book

Jacob's Ladder Story and Colouring Book

This 4-page printable contains our simplified, child-friendly version of the story of Jacob's Ladder dream, from Genesis chapter 28 verses 10 to 22. We've kept the numbering of the verses so that children become familiar with the Bible. There's a colouring page on each page too.

Jacob's Ladder Story Booklet

Jacob's Ladder Story Booklet

This printable booklet of the story of Jacob's ladder using a simple and succinct version of the story together with pictures. Print double-sided and fold, then staple - done!

Jacob's Ladder Story Sequencing Cards

Jacob's Ladder Story Sequencing Cards

Print and cut out our 4 little cards which tell the story of Jacob's ladder. Use them as a sequencing activity as they are, or cut in half again so that kids have to match up the words and pictures and then put them in the correct order.

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