Boo! Handwriting Worksheet
Just for fun, learn how to form the letters in the word Boo! There's plenty of room to practise on this worksheet.
A fun collection of printables for Halloween with a jack o' lantern or pumpkin theme...
Just for fun, learn how to form the letters in the word Boo! There's plenty of room to practise on this worksheet.
Can the kids fill in the missing parts of our jack o' lantern picture on the grid? This is a good "complete the picture" puzzle for beginners.
Here's a fun drawing activity for kids, which will test their concentration. Copy each square of the grid over to make your picture of a Jack O'Lantern!
The second of our Halloween cutting worksheets has 4 simple jack o' lantern shapes for children to refine their fine motor skills by cutting out.
How about using this funny Halloween scrapbook paper full of grinning pumpkins to make paper chains, napkin holders, treat bags, or more? Just print and enjoy.
We love this printable scrapbook paper covered with cheeky jack o' lanterns - and we love the fact that you can print lots of copies without worrying too much about the printer ink!
Pumpkins or Halloween pumpkins are of course iconic at Halloween and this fun Halloween scrapbook paper features them in two different colours and with cheerful faces which are sure to enchant the children. Just print and use them in all your Halloween projects.
Here's another Halloween scrapbook paper featuring pumpkins, some facing up and some facing down! That makes it a great paper to use for your crafty decorations.
Here's some creepy Halloween scrapbook paper to print, covered in pumpkins and bats and with a colourful green background. Fun for your Halloween projects.
Here's a fun Halloween writing paper design with four menacing jack o' lanterns along the top edge!
This lovely Halloween scrapbook paper features two quirky jack o'lanterns to perk up the design! Available in three versions, to suit all ages and all sorts of projects.
This Jack O'Lantern acrostic poem printable is great for creative kids who like a poetry challenge. There are four versions to choose from below.
There is plenty of space for your own message on these Jack O Lantern Halloween bookmarks. You could even use them as an unusual Halloween party invitation - one which is also useful for reading books! Laminate for durability if you prefer. Click the link below for our printable version:
Here's a set of four colourful jack o lantern bookmarks to print for Halloween - and they've each got a silly Halloween joke for the kids to enjoy! Laminate for extra durability if you like. Click the link below for our printable version.
Here's a fun writing prompt page to get the kids putting pen to paper at Halloween. Can the children describe the Jack-o'-Lantern on the worksheet, then describe a design that they would like to carve?
Brighten up Halloween displays with this colourful Jack O'Lantern poster. Then maybe have a go at carving your own pumpkin...
Here's a fun poster of a Jack O'Lantern that's sure to brighten up any Halloween display! Or maybe the kids can try and copy this design when carving their own pumpkin?
A little girl dressed up for Halloween trick or treating holds a spooky jack o' lantern in this photographic poster.
This Jack-o'-Lantern Sentence Writing Prompt page is ideal for helping younger kids to write a couple of Halloween-themed sentences.
My son always looks for the biggest pumpkin he can find in the shops at Halloween! Can the children sort our Jack 'o' Lanterns by size?
Carving pumpkins to make Jack O'Lanterns is a really fun part of Halloween. Maybe you could try copying one of the designs from the pumpkins on this poster? Or print out the poster for a Halloween display?
You know it is Halloween when you start seeing carved pumpkins like this! Here's a fun printable jigsaw to cut out and enjoy...
This jack o' lantern lacing card printable makes a fun addition to your Halloween activities, and the simple outline makes it perfect for younger children. Punch holes around the edge, starting from just below the green stem and ending in the same position on the opposite side.
Choose from colour or black and white versions of this fun Jack o' Lantern lacing card - which has simple outlines for cutting out and lacing. Older children could use smaller stitches to "sew" along the black lines around the eyes and mouth and decorate the hat-band too.
Whether you choose the black and white or colour version of this Jack o' Lantern Halloween mask, it's a quick and easy way to dress up for Halloween!
Children need to complete some simple addition sums and follow the key to colour this Jack O' Lantern maths fact colouring page.
You don't need to carve pumpkins when you have this playdough mat and a supply of playdough to hand! Get the kids to make their own pumpkin creations. And perhaps they will create something completely new and different this year...
This is the first of three Halloween pumpkin tracing pages – otherwise known as a Jack o' Lantern – which is a fun way to practice pre-writing skills at home or in the classroom. This pumpkin has the scariest face I think!
The face on this Jack o' Lantern is so funny kids are sure to enjoy tracing it! It is a good one for younger kids, especially if they trace between the dotted lines rather than directly on them.
Here is the most traditional of three Jack O' Lantern tracing pages, and the most intricate. It's also a fun one to colour in when the tracing is complete.
Jack O'Lanterns are perhaps the object we all associate the most with Halloween. Use our story paper for creative writing with the kids, or perhaps they can write instructions on how to carve a lantern?
Follow our step by step tutorial to draw a Jack o'lantern. When you have mastered to basic shape why not add your own face design?
A group of kids get together to carve pumpkins in the classroom or home in this Halloween story paper - just write about what you see or make up your own story!
Carving pumpkins is one of the most fun activities at Halloween! Ask the kids to describe the scene in the picture, or they could describe how they carve their own pumpkins?
Use this scary pumpkin carving template to carve a frightening face on your pumpkin for Halloween.
BOO! Here's a spooky pumpkin carving template, ready for creating a scary pumpkin face or for other Halloween crafts.
Here's a friendly looking pumpkin face, that's maybe a little less frightening for younger kids at Halloween? You can cut out your stencil and draw it onto your pumpkin by tracing it or use the method of poking tiny holes into the stencil design.
This pumpkin carving template has quite simple lines to follow, so it's great for beginners to try. If you don't want to carve a pumpkin, you can use the template for other Halloween crafts too...
Use these pumpkin templates for carving smaller sized pumpkins, or why not try carving some different fruit and vegetables like squash, peppers or even a pineapple? You could create a whole gang of ghoulish fruit and veg faces!
Read this interesting piece about pumpkins - where they originate from, how they grow and why they are associated with Halloween - and then answer the questions. We've also provided an answer sheet in the pdf.
Check children's comprehension of these CVC words in simple sentences by asking them to draw what they read - all to do with pumpkins for autumn or Halloween!
We have three versions of this pumpkin frame available: blank, ruled and handwriting lines, so there are lots of ways you can use it - maybe plan your Jack O'Lantern face, or write a poem or a short story?
Here's a simple writing frame to use at Halloween, featuring a cheeky jack o' lantern. Choose from blank or lined versions.
This pumpkin frame is perfect for all your Halloween writing projects. Perhaps you went to a pumpkin farm this year to choose your Halloween pumpkin, and you can record what happened here! Choose from blank, ruled or handwriting versions below.
Kids can colour in the pumpkins on this worksheet and then trace over the word - perfect for some Halloween handwriting practice!
Print and colour this fun picture of children playing in a pumpkin field at harvest time.
Four children and their dog are having fun in a pumpkin patch in this delightful illustrated story paper for kids. Write about what you see or make up your own story - and don't forget to colour the picture in afterwards!
This spooky pumpkin worksheet practises logic, observational skills and cutting and pasting too. Can the kids complete the sequences by cutting out and sticking the pumpkins in the correct boxes?
Read the descriptions and draw the pumpkin faces according - such a fun way to test reading comprehension at Halloween!
Learn to spell the word pumpkin with this fun printable jigsaw. Print out onto good quality card and slice along the vertical lines. Now when the kids put it back together again, they will make a creepy Halloween pumpkin!
Get the kids to complete the rest of this surprising Halloween story!
Use this pumpkin template in your autumn, fall or Halloween craft projects or scrapbooking. Available in various sizes. Click the link below for our printable version.
Ask the kids to practise their handwriting skills using this fun pumpkin word tracing page - there are three versions to choose from below. Perfect as a Halloween activity!
Pumpkins are often associated with autumn and harvest time, as well as Halloween of course! Pumpkins are ready to be harvested once their shell has started to harden - the ones on our poster look perfect!
There's lots of fun to be had with this cut and stick activity for Halloween! Cut out the black shapes and then design your own pumpkin.
Why not try carving this picture of Sparky from the film Frankenweenie onto a pumpkin for something a little different this Halloween?