Our ice cream counting printable is a fun way to help children practice their counting to 10. Print on to card, cut out the pieces and layer up the scoops on the ice cream cones to match the numbers.
Here's a fun summery way to practise recognition of upper and lower case letters. Print pages on to card and cut out the pieces, laminating to make them harder-wearing if you wish. Match the lower case letters on the ice cream scoops with the upper case letters on the cones.
There's nothing more refreshing than a cooling ice lolly on a hot day! The kids can have fun sorting these ice lollies into size order, then have a real ice lolly treat once they've finished, perhaps?
Give the children some sorting practice from smallest to largest (or vice versa) with these colourful beach balls. You can laminate the beach balls to make them a bit stronger and for repeated use if you prefer...