This lovely horse template can be used in many different ways. How about tracing it, or colouring it in? You could use it to cut horse shapes out of paper or fabric for some simple collage or applique. The larger sizes would be nice as a writing frame for some horse-inspired writing, perhaps?
Horse Template
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Horse Template 3
This horse template has a lovely, vibrant shape and might be useful for craft or classroom projects. Perhaps you could use it for a writing activity, with the finished horses prancing around the classrom in a row?
Horse Template 2
Here's a lovely outline template of a gentle horse. Use it for scrapbooking, crafts, applique, classroom projects or as a writing frame.
Cat Template 3
This cat wouldn't be out of place cut from black paper in a Halloween display - but could look equally good in a softer colour and with a cute face drawn on. It comes in various sizes.