Horse Crafts


For a pet or farm animal theme or Chinese New Year of the Horse or perhaps just because your children love horses, we have a fun collection of horse crafts to enjoy with the kids! We've got sewing crafts for older children, simple handprint and footprint crafts for younger children, a stable craft, and even a pretty Dala horse craft idea. Explore below!

Chinese Paper Cut Examples

Chinese Paper Cut Examples

Chinese Paper Cuts have been a traditional form of decoration in China at Chinese New Year and all year round for thousands of years. Why not have a go with the kids?

Dala Horse Craft

Dala Horse Craft

Dala horses (or Dalecarlian horses) are carved and painted wooden horses originating in the Swedish province of Dalarna. Originally made as toys for children, they are now a recognised symbol of Sweden. Have a go at making your own with this lovely Dala horse craft!

Footprint horse craft for kids

Footprint Horse

Little kids can have some fun drawing around feet, cutting out the shape, sticking it and ending up with this fabulous footprint horse!

You will need:

Handprint Horse

Handprint Horse

Here's a fun handprint painting horse that younger children will enjoy. Why not paint a whole herd!

You will need:

Hobby Horse Bookmark

Hobby Horse Bookmark

This quick and easy hobby horse bookmarks makes a super craft for a Victorian toy theme, any horse or farm theme, or of course for the Year of the Horse or children born in that year.

Horse Finger Puppet

Horse Finger Puppet

This lovely horse finger puppet is a good craft for older children as it requires some sewing skills and the parts are reasonably small. The finished puppet is lovely!

Horse Mask Craft

Horse Mask Craft

Making this horse mask involves all sorts of crafty activities that younger children will enjoy - painting paper plates, cutting, sticking, and of course wearing the mask at the end!

Lolly Stick Stable

Lolly Stick Stable

Whether for a farmyard project, or a home-made Nativity scene, this simple lolly stick stable takes a bit of patience to make but is well worth the effort.

Paper Plate Horse

Paper Plate Horse

Paper plate crafts are always popular, but we must warn you that this paper plate horse is slightly trickier than most of the paper plate crafts at Activity Village! Younger children will need help drawing and cutting the head and leg shapes, and perhaps with some of the sticking too.

More Horse Activities

Horse Printables
Horse Printables

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