This Harvest Basket is an adaptable craft which can be used to make a free-standing decoration for your mantelpiece or sideboard, a greetings card, or perhaps a set of place-card holders for your Thanksgiving or Harvest table.
We provide a printable for this craft in two sizes, but of course you can easily adapt it by creating your own template.
You will need:
A4 sheet thick brown paper or printer card
Scraps of coloured paper or card (or perhaps pictures of fruit and vegetables from old magazines)
Glue stick
i) print out our template, cut out the appropriate shapes for the size of basket you would like to make, and use them to cut out the same shapes on the brown card, or
ii) print the template directly onto brown printer card and cut out.
Fold the large piece on the dotted line as directed.
Cut out a selection of fruit and vegetables from the scraps of coloured paper or old magazines. Put a line of glue along the top (folded) edge of the piece marked Back 1 and stick the handle and the vegetables along it so that they are protruding out from the top of the basket (use the photo for guidance). Glue Back 2 over the top of the vegetables so that they are sandwiched between 2 pieces of brown card.
Decorate the front and back of the basket with your pens and stand up.
To make place card holders:
Use the smaller sized basket template and make as many baskets as you will need for the guests at your table. Write each name on the handle or perhaps on a label tied to the handle with a ribbon.