Hanukkah Dot to Dots


Do your kids like dot to dot pictures? Here's our special collection of Hanukkah dot to dots for you to download and print! These dot to dot pages are perfect for your youngest children, with numbers from 1 to 10 and big images that they can colour in when they have joined up the lines.

Dreidel Dot to Dot

Dreidel Dot to Dot

Here's a simple dot to dot puzzle for Hanukkah. Follow the dots 1-10 to draw a traditional dreidel.

Sufganiyot Dot to Dot

Sufganiyot Dot to Dot

If you can't enjoy eating a sufganiyot doughnut this Hanukkah, you can enjoy drawing one with our simple dot to dot puzzle!

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Hanukkah Crafts

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