Halloween Kids in Costumes Colouring Booklet


Print out this lovely collection of colouring pages featuring 17 Halloween kids dressed up in costumes! Fold in half and staple and you have a special booklet that will keep the kids busy throughout Halloween.

If you have a double sided option on your printer, just set the pages to print flipping on the short side.

If you don't, print the odd pages first then feed the paper back in and print the even pages on the back.

We have these as full sized pages here: Halloween Kids in Costumes Colouring Pages Pack

We have these with an extra writing activity here: Halloween Kids in Costumes Colour and Complete

PDF iconHalloween kids in costumes colouring booklet - UK font and spelling - Log in or Become a Member to download
PDF iconHalloween kids in costumes colouring booklet - US font and spelling - Log in or Become a Member to download
Halloween Kids in Costumes Colouring Booklet


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