Halloween Dot to Dots


We know how much Activity Village users love dot to dots and how much you love Halloween, so we thought it was about time we added some Halloween dot to dots! We have some very simple ones with numbers 1-10 and some harder ones that come in a choice of number or alphabet versions so there is something for everybody.

Bat Dot to Dot

Bat Dot to Dot

Complete the rest of this smiley bat dot to dot by joining the dots. You can chose to follow numbers or the alphabet.  

Bat Dot to Dot

Bat Dot to Dot

Here's a fun dot to dot for Halloween. Join the dots carefully to reveal a Halloween bat... Choose from three versions - one with numbers, one with lower case letters and one with upper case letters.

Cat Dot to Dot

Cat Dot to Dot

Join the dots to complete this pretty picture of a cat, which the kids can then colour in. We have three versions: the usual dot to dot numbers, a lower case alphabet and an upper case alphabet.

Cat Dot to Dot 2

Cat Dot to Dot 2

Our second cat dot to dot has a simple outline to follow.  Choose from three options; counting to 25, lower case alphabet or upper case alphabet.

Cauldron Dot to Dot

Cauldron Dot to Dot

Young children can practice their pencil skills and counting by following the numbers 1-10 to draw the base on our cauldron dot to dot.  

Ghost Dot to Dot

Ghost Dot to Dot

Children will need to pay close attention to the numbers or letters on our ghost dot to dot as sometimes the next dot is not where you might expect!  

Jack O'Lantern Dot to Dot

Jack O' Lantern Dot to Dot

Our Jack o'lantern dot to dot is a pencil skills, counting and colouring activity in one and so much fun children won't notice they are learning!  

Poison Bottle Dot to Dot

Poison Bottle Dot to Dot

The very simpe outline of our poison bottle dot to dot makes it a good choice for young children. When they have finished joining the dots they are left with a spooky, Halloween picture to colour!

Pumpkin Dot To Dot

Pumpkin Dot To Dot

Pumpkins are a vegetable we often associate with autumn (and of course Halloween too), but can the children draw this pumpkin by following the dots from 1 to 20? Make sure they have an orange crayon ready so they can colour in the finished picture!

Pumpkin dot to dot skip counting

Pumpkin Dot to Dot Skip Counting

Make times table practice fun with these pumpkin dot to dot puzzles! Choose the times table your child is learning then ask them to join the dots by counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, and so on ... all the way up to 12s.

Witch Dot to Dot

Witch Dot to Dot

This witch needs a hat, some hair and a dress! Follow the dots to complete the picture. Our witch dot to dot comes in a choice of numbers 1-25 or lower case and upper case alphabet versions. 

Witch's Hat Dot to Dot

Witch's Hat Dot to Dot

Our witch's hat dot to dot tests children's counting from 1-20 as they follow the dots to complete the outline of the hat. They can then get out the crayons and have fun colouring in the starry hat.

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