Group Games


Perfect for parties, family gatherings, first days at school, summer camps - there are group games listed here that all ages will enjoy! You'll find some below that work best as indoor games, and some that are definitely for outdoors and require lots of space. We've got good team games here too.

A Great Wind Blows

A Great Wind Blows

This is a noisy, running around game which works well as an ice-breaker. You'll need chairs for all of the kids, and space to play. You can play outdoors on a dry day, perhaps using a cushion or bean bag for each child to sit on.

Beanbag Contest

Beanbag Contest

This game takes a little effort to set up, but the kids will have a lot of fun with it. It is obviously better on a dark evening! It could be a good game to play at a Halloween party, especially if the children are wearing spooky costumes.

Beanbag Cross Challenge

Beanbag Cross Challenge

This is a great game for a large gathering of children - you need at least one team of 8 (but of course two will make the challenge more fun), a fairly large space and a means of marking the ground. A good test of concentration and skill!

Blind Man's Bluff

Blind Man's Bluff

This is a very old favourite, thought to date back to Tudor times at least! It was originally known as Blind Man's Buff. There is also a traditional Chinese version known as "Blind Man" or "Chicken".

Call My Bluff

Call My Bluff

This is a fun word game (made famous by the TV show) which can help children to learn new words, practise dictionary work and presentation skills! It works best in a classroom or large group setting, and you will need time to prepare.

Capture The Flag

Capture The Flag

Capture The Flag has always been a huge favourite with my kids, who learned it at a school summer camp and have played on every available occasion since. It is a great game for large, mixed age groups and long summer afternoons!

Cat Catching Mice

Cat Catching Mice

This traditional Chinese chase game can cause much screeching and excitement! Play outdoors - or indoors, if you have a large room. It is also known simply as "Cat and Mouse".

Catch The Dragon's Tail

Catch The Dragon's Tail

This traditional Chinese game is great fun for the playground. You will need a large group of children - at least 10, but the more the merrier! The kids can be any age.

Chase the Rabbit

Chase The Rabbit

This easy circle game for children needs no equipment and tires the kids out quickly! You can play it outdoors but only on a dry day and preferably on grass, to save the children's knees!

Chinese Ball

Chinese Ball

This traditional Chinese playground game develops children's ball skills and their concentration - it really keeps them on their toes! It is probably best for children aged 6 or older and can be played indoors or outdoors.



There is something about the clapping and chanting rhythm of this game that used to keep my school friends and I occupied for hours! Best played with kids of the same age, or the game will be unequal.

Duck Duck Goose

Duck, Duck, Goose

All you need for this game is a circle of children with lots of energy! This is an old favourite.

Finding Flowers

Finding Flowers

This is a simple, old-fashioned game for younger children similar to "Bow Bells". Of course you can substitute "flowers" for animals, colours or any other category for which the children will be able to think of a number of options. Play indoors or outdoors.

Forcing The City Gates

Forcing The City Gates

Forcing The City Gates is a traditional Chinese game for boys - and one which requires a fair amount of energy and some outside space to play! This game can get rough.



A well known playground game, Freeze is deservedly popular with children of all ages. Best played on a dry day or indoors (perhaps in a hall), or you will have some seriously muddy children to contend with!

French Cricket

French Cricket

French Cricket is a very popular game with older children and teenagers, but it is fun in a family gathering too. You need at least 6 players for a good game, and a fairly large space to play.

Going To Town

Going To Town

This traditional girl's Chinese chase game can be played with a large group of kids - or just two. Boys enjoy it too, and it causes much giggling! Children have to learn to work together in this activity. It works with any age group.

Hunter And Guard

Hunter And Guard

Also known as "Hunter and Watchman", this is a perfect game for whiling away a summer afternoon with a group of friends in the park!

I Like To...

I Like To...

A quick simple memory game that requires no preparation or equipment, perfect for all sorts of occasions when you need to keep the kids occupied - waiting rooms, train journeys etc - and also as a "getting to know you" game.

Moon Cake

Moon Cake

This traditional Chinese playground game reinforces addition skills. It is good to play with a class of kids, divided into teams, and can be adapted to suit different ages. It can be very exciting! Best played with kids aged 5 and over.

My Favourite Things

My Favourite Things

This is a good game for younger or shyer children who may find it difficult to talk confidently to a group. It is a perfect ice-breaker game. It works best with children aged 5 and over.

Name Chase

Name Chase

This is a particularly good game if you have a few new members joining a group. Based on the old favourite Duck, Duck, Goose, it helps everyone learn the children's names. Play it with kids aged 4 and over.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever

This is a well known game - and it can get a bit dangerous with older children! But it works well with children aged 7-10ish and it can be a fun way to break the ice. Keep a careful eye on it though, and only play if you are sure that the children will keep it under control.

Red Light Green Light

Red Light Green Light

Red Light Green Light is an outdoor game suitable for children of all ages. You will need quite a bit of space! If you play the game with younger kids, you can use it to reinforce the concept of "red is for stop" and "green is for go".

Red Rover

Red Rover

Red Rover was a common outdoor game for kids during my childhood, and it probably dates back a very long way before that!

Spider and Flies

This is a game of tag with a difference! It works best with children of a similar age - or the younger children will tend to get dragged around which isn't ideal! It's a perfect game for the great outdoors.

Tell Me A Story

Tell Me A Story

This is a lovely game for a group of children or a family gathering. Play it as an ice-breaker, around the dinner table, on car journeys, as an after-tea party game... in fact, play it anywhere!

Tell Me Something

Tell Me Something

This is a fun ice-breaker game for older children. You will need space to sit in a circle and listen carefully to each other, so we've found it works best with no more than 10-12 children. You could split into groups if you have more.

The Line Up Game

The Line Up Game

The Line Up Game is a really fun ice breaker game which works well in a school or group setting, but also makes a super mixed-age party gathering - perfect for a large family party!

The Splash Game

The Splash Game

Not for the faint-hearted, this game is best played out of doors when clothes don't really matter! It works with mixed family age-groups if everyone who takes part is a good sport, and will cause much hilarity..

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a very old game which has been popularised on radio and television over the years. This version makes a simple ice breaker game for older children, who will enjoy trying to fool the other kids.

What's The Time Mr Wolf?

What's The Time Mr Wolf?

I've no idea why this game works, and I confess I never enjoyed it much as a child myself! But some children love it so I've included it here and you can make up your own minds! Play it indoors in a large space, or outside.

Where Do You Stand?

Where Do You Stand?

This fun ice breaker game requires lots of running around and sometimes some bumping into each other - so it's best played in a large hall or the playground!

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

This is a nice way of calming down a group of children as it tests not only their powers of observation but also their ability to listen closely. It can be varied for all age groups.

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face

Best played with a large group of kids but we have had fun playing this at family dinner times, with just four. It works with any age, but is better when the children are young.

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