Here's a fun drawing activity for kids, which will test their concentration. Copy each square of the grid over to make your picture of a Jack O'Lantern! Grid copy Jack O'Lantern - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysHalloweenHalloween PuzzlesHalloween Grid Copy PuzzlesHalloween ThemesJack O LanternsJack O Lantern PrintablesPuzzlesGrid Copy Puzzles
Complete the Jack o' Lantern Puzzle Can the kids fill in the missing parts of our jack o' lantern picture on the grid? This is a good "complete the picture" puzzle for beginners.
Grid Copy Witch Drawing a witch on a broomstick can be tricky, but not if you copy it square by square onto a grid with the help of this fun printable!
Grid Copy Skeleton Here's some drawing fun for Halloween! Copy our picture of a skeleton using the grid to help you. Just take it one square at a time...