Golden Harp Craft


On one of his journeys up the beanstalk, Jack rescued a talking gold harp. In fact it was almost his downfall, as it called out to the sleeping giant as Jack ran off with it! Here's a lovely harp craft that you can use to accompany the story - or of course for a music topic if you prefer.

Golden Harp Craft

You will need:

  • Thick card (we used an old cardboard box)
  • Gold paint
  • Gold elastic cord (beading cord)
  • Glue
  • Glitter and gems


  • Cut a harp shape from the cardboard.
  • Paint the harp gold.
  • When the paint is dry, punch holes with a hole punch or pencil on either side of the harp. Tie lengths of cord through the holes.
  • Decorate the harp with glitter and gems.


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