Gingerbread Theme


The smell of gingerbread baking has become very much a part of Christmas all over the world, and of course there is something about the gingerbread man and gingerbread houses which children love. We've gathered together all our gingerbread activities into one page here, and we hope you'll have some fun with them.

Gingerbread men

Did you know?

In the 17th Century, in Germany, only professional gingerbread bakers were allowed to bake gingerbread men. The only time of year that the rule was relaxed was at Christmas!

Gingerbread Printables
Have some fun with these gingerbread printables - at Christmas, or perhaps when reading the story...
Gingerbread Colouring Pages
Lots NEW! We've got two gingerbread man colouring pages and two gingerbread man colour by...
Gingerbread Crafts
Whether you are looking for a recipe and inspiration for a Christmas gingerbread house, or some...

A Gingerbread Man Joke!

Gingerbread man joke

What did the gingerbread man put on his bed?
A cookie sheet!

Gingerbread village

Gingerbread page divider

More Christmas Themes

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Holly Theme

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