A Day In Ghana Diary
Living in Ghana might be quite different from where you live. Can you do some research, then write a diary entry for a typical day living in Ghana?
Learn about Ghana, a country with the world's largest artificial lake and a space program!
Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum in Accra is dedicated to the prominent Ghanaian leader Kwame Nkrumah.
Ghanaian women dressed in traditional kente cloth
The National flag of Ghana was designed to replace the Union Jack upon Ghanaian independence in 1957. The flag consists of the pan-African colours (red, yellow and green), in three horizontal stripes. In the centre of the yellow stripe is a black star. The red, yellow and green colours represent the blood spilt by those in the struggle for independence, the mineral wealth of the county and the rich forests respectively. The black star stands for ‘the loadstar of African Freedom’.
Living in Ghana might be quite different from where you live. Can you do some research, then write a diary entry for a typical day living in Ghana?
Describe the climate of Ghana, then find out what the weather is doing there today and present the results in the weather app on the phone.
Ghana is often described as a land of festivals, music and traditional dances, and there's plenty of space to write about the culture of this colourful country here, or you can draw some pictures (choose from our blank or lined 'Culture in Ghana' worksheets below).
Can the kids design their own tourism poster for Ghana? They could start by thinking of a catchy slogan to get people interested!
Street food is very popular in both rural and urban areas of Ghana, with many families eating street food 3 times a week! Find out some more about the types of food grown and eaten in the country and draw a picture of a typical meal.
Collect facts and information about Ghana in this useful booklet (folding instructions found here).
We have both colour and black and white versions of our Ghana bookmarks, and you can choose from named or blank too.
The coat of arms for Ghana appears as the main symbol on the cover of Ghanian passports.
This Venn diagram helps the kids learn what they have in common with children living in Ghana, and to understand the differences too...
It's fascinating to see how our lives compare with those of someone living elsewhere! Compare your own life with that of someone in Ghana using our worksheet to help you...
Find out some facts about Ghana using this worksheet to prompt you...
Print and display this colourful Ghana facts poster, which also has the flag of Ghana at the top!
Need to find out the population or capital of Ghana quickly and easily? You can refer to our useful factsheet for these and more key facts, and map and flag too...
You'll need yellow, red, green and black felt-tip pens or crayons to colour in the flag of Ghana.
It's easy to make your own Ghana flag jigsaw with this printable and our cutting guides.
Choose from small, medium or large sized printable Ghana flags.
Our location worksheets help children to find and identify the different countries and capitals within a continent. These two ask kids to find Ghana on the continent of Africa. The guided worksheet gives the country names and is suitable for younger children; the other is blank.
We've illustrated the beautiful hibiscus flowers of Ghana on this colouring page - perfect for a relaxing colouring experience!
Fun Fact: Certain species of hibiscus are beginning to be used as a natural source of food colouring.
Write down your research on Ghana on our notebooking pages (page 2 has space to draw or stick pictures, too).
We've marked Ghana in red on this simplified outline map of Africa. It enables children to see its location, neighbours, size etc.
Capture the excitement and beauty of Ghana by drawing or cutting and pasting some pictures into the frames in our picture gallery.
Ask the kids to do a little research about the landmarks, things to do and typical food in Ghana, then write them on this postcard.
Draw a picture of something you might see in Ghana on this postcard, then write some information about the country too using the lines on the back.
Here's a stunning poster of Ghana to print and display.
This poster features the outline of the national boundary of Ghana filled with the country flag - perfect for displays and topic work.
Have fun answering the questions on our Ghana quiz, using our Introduction to Ghana factsheet to help you if you need it...
Fire up the kids' imagination with this Ghana story paper - we have two versions to choose from: lined, or with handwriting lines.
We have 25 pages of fun activities and worksheets all together in this useful Ghana study pack.
Use this fun printable to produce your own tourist leaflet for Ghana! Remember to use exciting language and include lots of useful information about the country.
Invite the kids to create a travel brochure to share information about Ghana with others. They can draw pictures, use photographs, add maps, and write details about what they learn.
Can you find 'Gold Coast', 'Africa' and the other hidden words in the Ghana Word Search grid?
Find out some facts about Ghana to fill in the gaps, and then use the rest of this simple worksheet to record what else you have learned about the African country.
Learn about Ghana - fun facts, a little history, a little geography - with these printable pages for kids.
Can you write or draw everything you need for a stay in Ghana in this suitcase? You might need to research a few things first, such as climate, any risks, and activities you might do there...
Mole National Park in Ghana has over 93 mammal species! Find out about the wildlife in Ghana and write, draw or stick in some pictures on our worksheet.