Frog Finger Puppet Craft


Kids can make this fun finger puppet with some scraps of green foam and our printable template. Cut the shapes out in advance for younger children.

Frog finger puppet craft

You will need:

  • Light green felt
  • Fabric glue
  • Needle and thread (optional)
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Black pen
  • Our template (scroll down)

Use our template to cut 2 bodies, a head and two arms from light green felt.

Glue around the curved edge of one of the bodies and stick the other on top. Alternatively, position the two pieces together and sew running stitch carefully around the curved edge, securing it well at each end. Make sure the bottom will open.

Stick the wiggle eyes on and draw a mouth on the head.

Glue the arms and the head onto the body.

Wait until your finger puppet has dried before playing!

Frog finger puppet template


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