A Special Friend Card
This has to be one of our prettiest and most colourful greetings cards! If you have a special friend, send them this beautiful card to brighten their day...
Friends are hugely important in the lives of children, and a good friend is to be treasured! We've got a variety of printables and colouring activities here that children can enjoy and share.
You can also explore here for ideas for teaching / discussing with children the ins and outs of being a good friend.
This has to be one of our prettiest and most colourful greetings cards! If you have a special friend, send them this beautiful card to brighten their day...
Use this printable to help children think about the ways in which they can build friendships - either in general or with a specific friend.
Many children have one close friend who is very special to them. This All About Me - My Friend worksheet encourages children to write about their friend and think about the positive aspects of their special friendship.
Friendships are one of the most important parts of our children's lives. This All About Me activity lets the kids write about their friends and also encourages them to think about how they can be a good friend too.
Let your Best Friend in the Whole World know how much you appreciate him or her by colouring in this very special diploma!
The perfect colouring card to let a friend know how special they are! Just print, colour and fold.
You could print this card and use it just as it is, or make it even more special by colouring in the details. Perfect for a really good friend! Just fold in half when you are done.
Does your child have a special friend? This colouring page would be a special way to acknowledge him or her! Also fun for small group of children at a birthday party or sleepover...
We've popped the background to our Best Friends colouring page with a pretty pink colour. Some children prefer a colouring page like this as the background can be daunting to colour in!
Also great as a poster, this extra-pretty Best Friends colouring page has a background full of pink hearts. It is best printed with your "borderless" settings for full effect.
There's an old Irish proverb that says "a good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." Here's a colouring page of some best friends for you to colour in, that you can give to your friend when finished!
If your child has a best friend for life, this is the colouring card to print out! What a special, personalised card it will make.
Use this pretty BFFL card just as it is (print and fold) or colour it in for an extra special personalised card to give a best friend!
Does your child have a special "best friend for life"? If so, they might enjoy making them a present of this pretty colouring page. Or perhaps you could print out two copies and they could each colour one for the other...
Children can colour in this cute BFFL colouring page and present it to their "best friends for life" - a perfect colouring page for Valentine's Day or a birthday party, perhaps!
This BFFL colouring page doubles as a poster and also makes a fabulous over-sized card. It looks great even without colouring it in, but even better with some careful colouring, of course. This page is full size so best printed using your "borderless" settings.
Colour in this fun card - Find Your Tribe, Love Them Hard. It makes a good card for a friend or family member, or perhaps to welcome in a new colleague.
Find your tribe, love them hard! Here's a colouring page for this fun saying, whether you are thinking about family, friends of colleagues. We've given it a Native American flavour and left a border around it in case you want to frame the finished result.
What does a friend mean? Challenge kids to write an acrostic poem about friendship using the letters from the word F-R-I-E-N-D, choosing an appropriate frame to write on below.
This is such a pretty colouring card to colour and give to a special friend - perfect for older children (and maybe adults, too).
This colouring page is a perfect project for friends to colour in together, perhaps to display on a bedroom - or even classroom - wall. We've left a wide border for framing, and designed it for older children (or adults).
These lovely little "friends" bookmarks make a quick and easy gift, perfect for handing out in the class or as a going-away party gift, especially if your child adds a note to the back of each.
There are 4 bookmarks on this printable page. The first comes pre-coloured so you just need to cut it out and give it to a friend. The others provide outline fonts for the kids to colour in, with space around each font to add their own designs too.
Here's a simple, pretty card which has one important word on it - "friends". Whoever receives this card will surely treasure it!
We love the bright colours on this cheerful, pretty card - and it's a perfect way to tell someone you'd like to be friends forever! Simply print onto some card, then fold in half.
Here's a fun puzzle or challenge for a group of friends to try - perfect for Brownies or Cubs, perhaps? Can the kids come up with one word for every word of the alphabet?
Tie this craft and activity in to your China or "Great Wall of China" theme if you like. It is designed to get your child thinking about his friends (and possibly his family), what qualities he values in them, and how they support him in his life.
Children will enjoy giving pictures of their friends the importance of these lovely frames, which of course they can colour in. It would be fun to fill a classroom wall with these!
The perfect friend can be hard to find, but once you've found them, let them know! Encourage the children to think about all the things that go into a good friendship with this cute "recipe" printable.
This printable is a fun way for children to list (or draw) some of the things they would like to do with their friends in the coming year or the future generally. The illustration might give them some starting points...
It's great to thank a special friend if they've helped you in some way, and this printable award lets you write your own message and date too - perfect as a keepsake.
When a friend moves to another school, town or country, this might be the perfect card to colour as a leaving card ... to remind him or her that true friends are never apart, whatever the distance.
When a friend goes away, why not colour in this lovely colouring page for them, to remind them that true friends are never apart. We've left a border around the edge for framing, too.
This set of five printable Valentine bookmarks feature some of our favourite quotes on friendship. Perfect for a class handout, perhaps?
Here's a colouring page of a little girl visiting a sick friend, perhaps in hospital.
What does it mean to be a friend?