Fourth of July Playdough Mats


Keep younc children busy during holiday preparations with our fun Fourth of July playdough mats. We've flags, fireworks, Uncle Sam and eagles for children to enjoy.

American Flag Playdough Mat

American Flag Playdough Mat

Get out the playdough so children can add their own stars and stripes on this American flag playdough mat. A fun activity for July 4th or to help them learn more about the US flag, do they know how many stars and stripes to add?

Bonfire Playdough Mat

Bonfire Playdough Mat

These logs on this bonfire playdough mat need some playdough flames to make them in to a burning bonfire to warm us up! Grab the red, orange and yellow playdough...

Cityscape Fireworks Playdough Mat

Cityscape Fireworks Playdough Mat

Our cityscape is already bright and cheerful but it would look even better with some playdough fireworks exploding overhead! Print our cityscape fireworks playdough mat on to card and laminate to use over and over again.

Eagle Playdough Mat

Eagle Playdough Mat

This poor bald eagle is missing their wings, can your children make some from playdough? Laminate our eagle playdough mat to make it reusable.

Firework Playdough Mat

Firework Playdough Mat

What will this firework look like when it explodes? Use lots of different colours or just your favourite to make an exploding firework on this playdough mat.

Rocket Playdough Mat

Rocket Playdough Mat

Use your playdough - yellow and orange would be good - to add some flames to power our firework rocket on this playdough mat.  

Sparkler Playdough Mat

Sparkler Playdough Mat

Our sparkler playdough mat is missing any sparkles! Get out some yellow and orange playdough to light up this sparkler.

Statue of Liberty playdough mat

Statue of Liberty Playdough Mat

The flame is missing from the Statue of Liberty's torch, can your children make one? What about some play dough firworks to create a July 4th scene.

Uncle Sam Playdough Mat

Uncle Sam Playdough Mat

Make a hat for Uncle Sam with your playdough! This is a fun - and unusual - activity for Fourth of July!

What Is Toasting Playdough Mat

What Is Toasting? Playdough Mat

I love toasting marshmallows on a stick over a fire. What is toasting over this bonfire? Children can use playdough to add their own favourite food.

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