Four Seasons


We have a number of useful printables and activities to help with learning the four seasons, which you can find below.

Four Seasons Colouring Page

Four Seasons Colouring Page

Here are four trees for the children to colour in, illustrating their changes with the four seasons. Do the whole page at once, or cut out each tree to make a separate small colouring page - perfect for a classroom of children.

Four Seasons Game

Four Seasons Game

The Four Seasons game is a traditional Chinese game used to teach the names and order of the four seasons in a classroom or group setting.

Four Seasons Poster

Four Seasons Poster

This lovely poster shows clearly the four different seasons, with a tree changing with the seasons. You could also cut the individual pictures out to make four cards.

Four Seasons Posters

Four Seasons Posters

These posters are a great way to spark discussions about the four seasons, with all sorts of interesting pictures to spot, identify and think about.

Guest Post - Making a Seasons Poster

Guest Post - Making a Seasons Poster

Making a seasons poster is an easy, low mess activity for young kids to enjoy. In this guest post Shelly shares her ideas for making seasons posters using resources from Activity Village.

Season Spinner

Season Spinner

This clever season spinner helps teach the children about the four seasons and the corresponding months. You'll need to print both pages out onto card, cut out the three circles, and attach them together with a brad in the centre.

Seasonal Tree Canvases

Seasonal Tree Canvases

This lovely craft idea can be undertaken in one go as a project on the seasons - or in four parts over the year as each season arrives. However you choose to do it, the canvases make an eye-catching display.

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