Children can use these lovely flower story paper pages for creative writing, thank you letters or nature studies - and enjoy colouring in the pictures, too. We've got lots to choose from, including our most popular spring and summer garden flowers and flower gardening scenes, too.
Write a short story based on this lovely picture of a basket of flowers, then colour in the picture too. Or you could use it for writing a thank you letter? Choose from one of two versions: lined or with handwriting lines.
Use this pretty carnation story paper for writing stories, thank you notes or for nature study work - we have two versions to choose from, lined and with handwriting lines.
Two versions of our popular story paper with a daffodil illustration for the children to colour in.
The beautiful dahlias on this story paper are just waiting to be coloured in with pretty colours, and there's also plenty of room for story writing or copywork too...
Use this pretty daisy story paper (which comes in two versions, lined and with handwriting lines) for story writing, nature study, copywork or thank you notes! And don't forget to colour in the picture, too...
This "field of poppies" story paper can be used in many ways, but we designed it with Remembrance Day in mind. Children could write a story set in World War I, or perhaps explain why poppies are used for remembrance and for fundraising in November.
Foxgloves are a beautiful pinky purple colour and seen in lots of gardens and hedgerows in the summer - but it's important to remember they're also very poisonous! Can the children write some more facts about this plant on our story paper, or maybe a creative story?
Gladiolus are magnificent plants, and the kids can enjoy colouring in a picture of some on this story paper and do a bit of writing too...
Children can use this story paper to make a list of plants they might like to try growing! They could also think about how they might drow as a person and set themselves some goals.
Our beautifully illustrated flower story papers are lovely for writing letters, and the detail in the pictures means they're great for nature study work and notes too. This one features a pretty hollyhock...
Kids can write about Spring, or about the lovely hyacinth, using our hyacinth story paper. And of course they can colour in the picture, too. Choose from lines or handwriting lines.
This lovely Monet quote says "I must have flowers" and there are plenty of flowers to colour in on this story paper.
Did you know that the iris takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow? Write some other facts about these lovely plants on this story paper, or use for writing a letter.
Not only is lavender beautiful to look at, it smells fantastic too and is widely used in essential oils, perfumes, and in aromatherapy! We have two versions of our lavender story paper to choose from: lined or with handwriting lines.
You can let your ideas bloom and write them all down too on this pretty quote story paper!
The lily flower is one of the most beautiful flowers in the whole world, and this pretty story paper is bound to inspire a bit of creative writing! Or use for nature study or a thankyou letter...
"No rain, no flowers." There's lots of detail to colour in on this pretty quote page, then space to write down your thoughts or a story too.
Use this pretty poinsettia story paper for creative writing, thank you letters or for nature study work. Choose from two versions below: lined or with handwriting lines.
This poinsettia story paper has a beautifully detailed illustration for you to colour in. Perfect for a personalised thank you letter or botanical studies!
This poppy story paper features a black and white image of a paper Remembrance Day poppy for your child to colour in, and either handwriting lines or normal lines for your child's writing.
Use this pretty poppy story paper to write down some facts about this lovely flower, or for story writing. Remember to colour in the picture, too...
This pretty story paper provides just a few lines for writing on - not enough to be intimidating - and a rose to colour in. Perfect for love letters, poems and lots more writing projects!
"Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose"...There are many famous poems and stories featuring roses, and the children can write their own on our pretty story paper, and colour in the roses too.
There's a beautiful bouquet of roses to colour in on this story paper, which you can use for creative writing projects on Valentine's Day or perhaps a Mother's Day or Grandparent's Day letter or poem...
Snowdrops are a very pretty and delicate flower. Use this story paper to inspire you to write.
Use this story paper of a little girl carrying a spring bouquet to encourage some creative writing. I wonder who she will give the bouquet to?
Colour in the gorgeous spring flowers, and write underneath ... pretty story paper for Spring!
This gorgeous summer bouquet story paper is a colouring and writing activity all in one! The kids can do some creative writing on the right side of the page, then colour in the lovely detailed picture on the left...
Described the scene on this lovely summer gardening story paper or try writing an original story based on what you see. Choose from two versions: lined or with handwriting lines.
Use this sunflower life cycle story paper to write about your own experience of growing sunflowers, or to describe the picture. We have four versions to choose from, with lines or handwriting lines, and a choice of ready-coloured or black and white.
The kids can describe the life cycle of a sunflower on this story paper using the picture to guide them. Choose from one of four versions below (colour/black and white, with lines or handwriting lines).
There are no labels on these sunflower life cycle story papers, so can the kids describe the process themselves on each page. We've got four versions to choose from below, either lined or with handwriting lines, and in colour or black and white.
Use these four sunflower life cycle story papers to write about your own experience of growing a sunflower, or to describe the scenes in each picture. We have four versions to choose from, with lines or handwriting lines, and a choice of ready-coloured or black and white.
This pretty sunflower story paper makes a useful writing printable for summer, and it comes complete with a picture to colour in, too!
Use this beautifully illustrated sunflower story paper to write an account of planting a sunflower and watching it grow. Or you could write down some weekly measurements as it grows taller?
"The earth laughs in flowers". Colour in the beautiful illustration, then use it as inspiration for some writing.
Use this beautiful "There are always flowers" colouring quote story page for all kinds of writing projects.
Here we have two versions of our story paper - one lined, one with handwriting lines for younger children - complete with a picture of a thistle to colour in. Perhaps children could write their own version of how the thistle came to be the emblem of Scotland?
This thistle story paper is perfect for writing about St Andrew's Day, or for a botanical study on this lovely plant.
There are lots of things you can write about tulips on this story paper. What colour is it? How did it grow? Where does it grow? When you've finished colour in the picture!
"Where flowers bloom so does hope." We've used one of our lovely colouring quotes to create a story paper, perfect for sparking the imagination!
"With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon who could not be happy?" This story paper might be useful for writing a book review, or for a list of your favourite books and flowers?