Perfect for Grandparent's Day or Mother's Day, you can make just one flower photo frame or fill up a vase or bouquet!
You will need:
As many different colours of craft foam as you want flowers
Our flower template
Photo (passport size)
Print out our flower template on to card. Use this to help you cut foam flowers in different colours.
Cut your photo into a circle. Glue this to the centre of one of the flowers.
Turn the flower over and glue the second flower to the back so that the petals sit at a different angle to the first.
Finally glue a magnet to the back.
To make the card shown above:
Fold a sheet of A5 foam or card in half and cut out a vase shape.
Use craft foam letters to add a message to your vase (we wrote "Grans petals".)
Finally, cut a strip of green foam as a stem for each flower. Glue these to the back of each flower and glue the other end to the top of the vase.
Stick the whole thing to a larger piece of card, for display.