This is a useful "quiet" ice-breaking activity for groups of older children. The finished flags also make a fabulous early display for the classroom, before the term's work goes up on the walls!
Simply print off one of our "flag of me" pages for each child and sit them down with some colouring pencils. Ask them to design their own flag - something that suggests what their interests are, where they come from, what they believe in etc.
They might include:
- Their favourite colours, animals, sport
- Their families or pets
- An outline of their country of origin, or their parents'
- Languages they speak
- Places they have visited or want to visit
- etc
Give the children 15-20 minutes to get creative with their flags, then ask them to stand up, one by one, holding up their flags and explaining the design to the other children.
You may need to prompt the shy child.