Felt Tip Watercolour Tree


We enjoyed watching how the colours from the old felt tip pens used in this craft spread, and the resultant picture is very pretty. Make sure you use a good thick paper though, or the result might be disappointing.

Felt Tip Watercolour Tree

You will need:

Old felt tips in reds, yellows, oranges and greens (this is a good craft to use up the last bits of ink)
Brown pen
Thick paper


Paint a cloud shape (which will be the "leaves" of your tree) with water onto the top half of your paper.

Felt tip watercolour tree - Sam painting a cloud shape onto the paper
Sam painting a cloud shape onto the paper

Colour in the cloud with the old pens.  The inks will run together.

Felt tip watercolour tree - Colouring onto the cloud with felt tips
Colouring onto the cloud with felt tips - the colours are starting to run together

When the cloud shape is completely dry, use the brown pen to draw on a trunk and branches.


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