Enid Blyton Books


Since the early 20th Century, children all over the world have been enjoying the stories of Enid Blyton, imagining themselves at Malory Towers or in a Magic Land above the Faraway Tree, solving mysteries along with the Secret Seven, the Five Find-Outers and the Famous Five, or laughing at Noddy and Big-Ears and their antics. Both Sarah and I were brought up on a diet of Enid Blyton and treasured her books, then shared them with our own children; we've really enjoyed putting together this collection of activities!

Enid Blyton Story Starters
It can be a fun exercise to take the first few opening lines of a well-known book and see which way...
Famous Five
The Famous Five are four adventurous children and a dog, the characters in a series of 21 books...
Faraway Tree
Three books make up the Faraway Tree trilogy by Enid Blyton: The Enchanted Wood, The Magic Faraway...
Five Find-Outers
Enid Blyton's Mystery series, also known as the Five Find-Outers series, were absolutely my...
The Secret Seven
One summer's holiday, Peter and his younger sister Janet decide to form a secret society, using...

More Enid Blyton Inspired Ideas

Learn a little about the author herself!

Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton

Many of Enid Blyton's characters were faced with a puzzle or a code to solve! Why not get the kids de-coding with these...


Enid's characters didn't spend long indoors - they were always out and about, cyling, hiking, exploring and playing.

Outdoor Games
Outdoor Games



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Jane Austen

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