Here's a big, bold, appealing elephant colouring page for younger kids, just one of a set of printables using this image. Elephant colouring page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZElephantsElephant Colouring PagesAfrican AnimalsAfrican Animal Colouring PagesAnimal Colouring PagesSimple Animal Colouring Pages
Elephant Colouring Page 2 Print and colour our elephant colouring page for younger children. It's realistic but simple, and it has letters spelling out the word elephant underneath for early readers.
Elephant Colouring Page 3 Here's a walking elephant colouring page to print and enjoy with the kids, complete with word underneath to familiarize children with the spelling.
Elephant and Baby Colouring Page Here's a lovely scene for the kids to colour in, of an elephant mother and baby on a landscape.