Easter Grid Copy Puzzles


Children can copy our Easter pictures with the help of the grids in these Easter grid copy sheets. We have four sheets, ranging from simple to very tricky!

Bunny Grid Copy

Bunny Grid Copy

Can the kids copy the bunny from the left grid to the right, one square at a time?

Chick Grid Copy

Chick Grid Copy

Copy the cute chick from the left hand grid to the blank grid on the right.

Grid copy Easter basket

Easter Basket Grid Copy

Copy the Easter basket from the grid on the left to the empty grid on the right. There is lots of detail so take it one square at a time and count carefully!

Grid copy Easter egg

Grid Copy Easter Egg

Copy the Easter egg from the left grid to the blank grid on the right, by copying one square at a time. It's a little tricky!

Lamb Grid Copy

Lamb Grid Copy

Copy the cute lamb picture with the help of the square grid. Careful counting and copying square by square can make the task easier! This grid copy would make a lovely spring activity.

Rabbit Grid Copy

Rabbit Grid Copy

Here's a really cute picture of a rabbit for the kids to copy. Try counting the squares and then copy one at a time to help. 

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